Here is a new trend I am bringing about to make
bitcoin even more popular to crowds.
When a game starts - say, a soccer game - we look at the next hash.
The home gets the hash to be read left to right. Away, right to left.
You use a dictionary from this collection: get the word for each from it doing => Hash MOD number of entries
Actually, I would like you did this just for Portuguese, but that may be because I am Portuguese and because I believe Satoshi is as well (it was not yet ruled out and keeps being a strong possibility, that he is my uncle).
So focus, on the second dictionary of the links above.
The idea is that the crowds will be shouting the two words - the one for the home team, and the one for the away team, every second...
ps. MOD is modulus, the rest of the integer division. Hash, as you know is a long number that can be of course be read left to right or right to left, giving so, two numbers.