Ufasoft Miner - Windows/Linux, x86/x64, SSE2/OpenCL, Open Source

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Quote from: guytechie on July 25, 2013, 11:25:11 AM

Does anyone know about the Intensity switch and why it doesn't really seem to do anything?  Or am I using it wrong?

Hello everyone

It's true. If you use "-a scrypt" then "-I" takes no effect at all, no matter the range of the value (-10 to 10).

Ufasoft, is there any possibility of fixing it?

Thank you.

I realize that this is a old post but I have a need for a AMD CAL capable miner right now.  I am working on some interesting blockchain ideas and I needed several nodes to play with.  At work, a number of AMD CAL (RV630) cards were being discarded and I was able to pick them up.  Mesa/Gallium OpenCL support has not reached these cards yet and official AMD drivers do not support OpenCL for these cards.  They are CAL capable and I have tracked down only 2 miners that supported CAL, hdminer and ufasoft.  Hdminer doesn't support these cards only HD5000 and above.

I was able to download ufasoft_coin-0.110.tar.xz from ufasoft.com but I am having some difficulty in compiling it for Linux.  I believe that I have most of the dependency issues worked out but the configure script output still doesn't show cal.h present even when I have specified the CPPFLAGS that point to the directory with the cal.h file.

Does anyone have any old instructions on how to compile ufasoft miner to support AMD CAL under Linux?  Failing that, can anyone remember another AMD CAL miner that I might be able to use?

Thanks for any help!



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