We have a pool open to everyone wanting to mine Catether, one of the first mineable ERC20 Token !
It follows the new EIP918 Standard.
Come and get it ! http://www.catether.org:3000 0xCA7E
*heavy breathing*
Catether is an open source mineable ERC20 Token, powered by Cates.
Why Catether ?
Catether introduces a new mechanic: "Proof of Use". Short version: transfers fees are covered with newly created CATEs.
Long version : Each time you make a transfer, or use the "transferFrom" delegated transfer function, it will mint 1 CATE to the address from which the transaction comes from.
Since it always costs around the same gas price (but not the same GWei price), depending on the gas price of your transaction... It either costs, or gives you money.
In practice, one Cate will always be pegged to, or under the median gas price of the Ethereum network, multiplied by 42000 (that's the gas cost of sending CATEs).
The Ethereum miners are basically selling CATEs, now.
"A Cat-aclysm on Ethereum network" - New York Times
"Don't fucking move" - the SEC Board
"Purrfect." - Vitalik Buterin
Block Time: 5 minutes
Supply cap: None. (150 Billion tokens after 18 Months)
Era time: 20 000 blocks (around 69 days. sexy)
Number of Eras : 9 (a Cate haz 9 liefs)
Rewards : Completely random until block 60'000th, fixed thereafter.
Era 1: Between 0 and 4 999 999 CATEs/block (720.0M /day)
Era 2: Between 0 and 3 499 999 CATEs/block (504.0M /day)
Era 3: Between 0 and 2 499 999 CATEs/block (360.0M /day)
Era 4: 1 000 000 CATEs/block (288.0M /day)
Era 5: 500 000 CATEs/block (144.0M /day)
Era 6: 250 000 CATEs/block (72.0M /day)
Era 7: 125 000 CATEs/block (36.0M /day)
Era 8: 75 000 CATEs/block (21.6M /day)
Era 9 and above: 50 000 CATEs/block (14.4M /day , 5.25B/year)
"One more token like this and I'm on the dole." - John Mc Affee