it’s unclear what differ u from the same banks that are now more widespread and more reliable.
Most traditional banks allow you to manage only traditional currencies. CryptOcean allows you to manage both traditional fiat and crypto-currencies. Creating unusual combinations of services, for example plastic cards tied to crypto-currencies.
What will all this lead to if people do not have the expected trust in crypto-currencies ...
Now, of course, crypto-currencies do not inspire confidence among the masses, but the situation should someday change. After all, the crypto currency has many pluses and amenities for people. We got a legal basis for the implementation of our services. As for technological solutions, they practically all, in one form or another, are already present on the market. The main question is their correct combination and tuning. We are confident that we will be able to realize the goal of our company - to unite the world of crypto-currencies and fiat funds on a legal basis.