An outright rejection to protect people here feels like dangers are not addressed to keep them from using alternate tools.
Can you please step back for a moment and consider how this response feels from my shoes. You're basically accusing me of being in a conspiracy to prevent people from using "alternative tools" simply because I think that degrading the functionality of the network with a bunch of hyper-specific mistake detectors to patch over _incompetently_ and _unsafely_ authored "alternative tools" is not a grand idea. I tend to think that making bitcoind subsume the functionality of other people's software would be the ultimate in keeping people from using alternative tools. But hey, if thats what you want you always have the option of just using bitcoind directly and gaining the mistake protection it presents towards the user.
But, moreover, don't you think you could have expressed an opinion on the ease of alternative implementations without the suggestion that anyone here had any ill motivations?
I apologize that what I said felt like accusing you with ill motivation.
Evaluating an issue only from the viewpoint, if it is an issue for a user using the reference implementation, does not feel right however. Bitcoin is also a protocol that should be welcoming and if it does not endanger higher goals, even forgiving.
Security of the Bitcoin system includes for the average user the security of his Bitcoins. The discussion if we have to protect him shooting into his feet reminds me to the arguments for and against priority of implementing encryption of the wallet.dat a year (or two) ago.
I think that it is a design error that the fee of a transaction can not be validated by consulting only the transaction. The SIGHASH_WITHINPUTVALUE ( is a sensible suggestion to remedy this worth of a soft fork IMHO.
I guess that the stance on this issue will change as soon as some spectacular losses through fees go through the media, similar to prominent thefts of wallet.dat before encryption.
edit: its is a hardfork suggestion