I'm relativly new here (lurked quite some time) and just getting started with this whole crypto currency thing these days as I've watched BTC over the past 2 years.
However, even if I believe that a cryptocurrency will sometime be our major trading currency, I still see a really big flaw in this whole thing when it comes to real life cases. As we all know, we can buy much stuff with our BTC or LTC or whatever crypto currency you want, but as soon as I leave my house, there is not that much I can pay with my BTC, even if I would carry a paperwallet with me.
But let me explain a bit what I really mean...
If I take a normal day of my live and the interactions I have with my surroundings, there is no real space for any cryptocurrency. If I go online - yes, plenty stuff can be paid, but in the real world you don't get much for your paperwallet. Even if you want to explain that guy at McDonalds that you can pay with this self printed sheet of paper container some QR codes...
The current way this goes, I live in germany, so we have debit cards here or what ever you call them, is that I flip out my debit card and simply pay for my groceries or fuel or whatever, if I'm not carrying cash with me. No hussle, pure awesomeness.
And that is basicly one of the main problems all cryptocurrencies currently have. I cant simply flip out my paperwallet and pay with it like I do with my debit/credit card.
And this lead me to how you could fix this one.
How would it be if we had some firms, maybe just one or two or whatever, that sells these swipe things, which you swipe your card through to pay, simply for crypto currencies? You see, its not that hard to make a kind of card holding maybe an identification for the cryptocurrency of the card (btc,ltc,whatever) and the private key of a wallet. It would be flip card out, swipe through, stuff payed. Simple easy... And you can teach this far better to your grandma that that strange bits and bytes on your computer where you own 2 BTCs and thats like $2000, or at least were yesterday.
I believe if there were something like this, it would be easy to sell for banks, since they can simply trade with btcs of customers (here: owner of shop), and even for the customers of the shops themselves. Because you can explain someone to flip the card out where you have like 1 btc and pay 1 thing for 0.25 btc, its simple math.
So how exactly would I imagine something like this...
Well, first of I'm gonna explain a bit more about the card. The card should have some security features to make it resistant to somewhat stealing ffrom a person or any real life problems you will encounter in your life.
Thankfully banks already did this for us. You could simply use a 4 digit pin to encrypt your private key on the card so nobody can read it after stealing it. Well, they could bruteforce a 4 digit pin, but better than nothing right? But could also make it like 4-16pin long or something. But since this would be some kind of prepaid card a 4pin digit will work first.
Also there would be needed some kind of identification for the card for what currency this one trades. If we check the byte size of modern magnetic cards (those used for debit and credit), we get a maximum available bytesize of 448 bytes. That would be enough to save the private key of any bitcoin wallet (256bit key for private key used in bitcoin - 32 byte) we would end up having 416 byte still available, maybe for usage of another bitcoin wallet or to enforce encryption upon the private key itself, making it harder to actually "steal" the wallet. I would most likely go for 64byte private key + encryption and further information about the kind of cryptocurrency, like protocol (BTC,LTC). So there should be no issue storing all that data on a usual card.
Now on to the swipe thingy (still dont know what it is called in english

). We would need this swipe thing to parse input of an encrypted private key, giving a keypad for pin input to decrypt the private key. After that would be done we simply would need to connect to the protocol specified for the card (btc, ltc) and send the transaction to the network after maybe checking if the private key holds enough money. There would be no need to actually process blocks.
Now this is one of the main reasons of me believing what needs to be done to reach a more broad audience for crypto currencies themselves.
What do you think about this?
P.S.: If there is enough interest I might start to work on this, making it most likely open source, but not so sure about that because people could modify swipe things and steal from you...
P.S.S.: Maybe I'm gonna publish a whitepaper on this topic these coming days...