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Author Topic: [ANN][DOGE] DOGE.DEDICATEDPOOL.COM, much monies, no laggies  (Read 4320 times)
binaryclock (OP)
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December 20, 2013, 03:59:18 PM

Yeah, next block is almost ready tho, cross fingers :p

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December 20, 2013, 04:50:25 PM

its coming! its gotta be soon Smiley
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December 20, 2013, 07:03:55 PM

very orphan
much sadness
so empty
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December 20, 2013, 07:11:19 PM

really? another one?
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December 20, 2013, 07:17:56 PM

wonder how the current block gonna go ... Huh
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December 20, 2013, 07:50:45 PM

I wonder if anyone has compiled some sort of spreadsheet to show the diminishing returns of users like me with a midline gaming rig VS someone with $thousands invested into a purpose built mining rig. I've been mining here for 24 hours and my first payday was 900, then 500, and now this current round around 250. "Membership" has only gone up 100 people since I joined. If this climbs into the thouands I'll be back into 100 doge/day like any other pool. Sadface.
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December 20, 2013, 07:56:31 PM

I wonder if anyone has compiled some sort of spreadsheet to show the diminishing returns of users like me with a midline gaming rig VS someone with $thousands invested into a purpose built mining rig. I've been mining here for 24 hours and my first payday was 900, then 500, and now this current round around 250. "Membership" has only gone up 100 people since I joined. If this climbs into the thouands I'll be back into 100 doge/day like any other pool. Sadface.

what's your hash rate and WU/m on cgminer?
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December 20, 2013, 07:59:56 PM

I wonder if anyone has compiled some sort of spreadsheet to show the diminishing returns of users like me with a midline gaming rig VS someone with $thousands invested into a purpose built mining rig. I've been mining here for 24 hours and my first payday was 900, then 500, and now this current round around 250. "Membership" has only gone up 100 people since I joined. If this climbs into the thouands I'll be back into 100 doge/day like any other pool. Sadface.

what's your hash rate and WU/m on cgminer?

Using cuda since my GPU is nvidia. Doesn't show WU/m. Matter of fact I don't even know what that is.. lol
Hash rate inside cuda is pretty much locked on at 78.44khash/s, which is dreadfully slow, but my GPU is a GTS450. I actually mine faster with my CPU, FX8150, when I crank it up to 4.4ghz, but it's rather unstable and from what I hear, a money sink.
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December 20, 2013, 08:02:49 PM
Last edit: May 12, 2018, 10:20:12 AM by Fahim

I wonder if anyone has compiled some sort of spreadsheet to show the diminishing returns of users like me with a midline gaming rig VS someone with $thousands invested into a purpose built mining rig. I've been mining here for 24 hours and my first payday was 900, then 500, and now this current round around 250. "Membership" has only gone up 100 people since I joined. If this climbs into the thouands I'll be back into 100 doge/day like any other pool. Sadface.

what's your hash rate and WU/m on cgminer?

Using cuda since my GPU is nvidia. Doesn't show WU/m. Matter of fact I don't even know what that is.. lol
Hash rate inside cuda is pretty much locked on at 78.44khash/s, which is dreadfully slow, but my GPU is a GTS450. I actually mine faster with my CPU, FX8150, when I crank it up to 4.4ghz, but it's rather unstable and from what I hear, a money sink.

I read about the new CUDA Miner, which got the release for the last two days ..... it seems very good and increases the hashing power. I personally do not have and did not test it.
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December 20, 2013, 08:06:41 PM

I wonder if anyone has compiled some sort of spreadsheet to show the diminishing returns of users like me with a midline gaming rig VS someone with $thousands invested into a purpose built mining rig. I've been mining here for 24 hours and my first payday was 900, then 500, and now this current round around 250. "Membership" has only gone up 100 people since I joined. If this climbs into the thouands I'll be back into 100 doge/day like any other pool. Sadface.

what's your hash rate and WU/m on cgminer?

Using cuda since my GPU is nvidia. Doesn't show WU/m. Matter of fact I don't even know what that is.. lol
Hash rate inside cuda is pretty much locked on at 78.44khash/s, which is dreadfully slow, but my GPU is a GTS450. I actually mine faster with my CPU, FX8150, when I crank it up to 4.4ghz, but it's rather unstable and from what I hear, a money sink.

Try the new CUDA Miner, which got release within the last couple days.....seems to be pretty good and increased hashing power Smiley

Yeah that's the one I got. Released 12/18
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December 20, 2013, 08:46:43 PM

that's a pretty slow card unfortunately.

I have a few servers cpu mining quark, you may be better doing that. there are a few other coins that are cpu only too. It could be more profitable for you.
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December 20, 2013, 09:56:28 PM

people are leaving as we are on 220% now and still no block! dammit
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December 20, 2013, 10:40:31 PM
Last edit: December 21, 2013, 01:13:21 AM by Deltron

Is there a coin bonus for finding a block? I've seen that around other pools, not mentioned here. Not that I have any chance.. lol
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December 21, 2013, 01:15:19 AM

Oy. I think the next block is hiding inside Shiba's crate or something.. 250% and climbingggggg
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December 21, 2013, 01:26:10 AM

I wandered when i get my shares, can not find enything about it.
I mined 6 hours now and going to stop.
Even with ltc mining i see what i have earned and get an transaction in 1 day, but here is not clear to me.
Yesterday i earned in p2pool 5000 doge in 12 hours and here i see nothing yet.
Perhaps you should mention how often or when you pay out on the homepage.
Sory if I overlooked it.


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December 21, 2013, 01:32:49 AM

I wandered when i get my shares, can not find enything about it.
I mined 6 hours now and going to stop.
Even with ltc mining i see what i have earned and get an transaction in 1 day, but here is not clear to me.
Yesterday i earned in p2pool 5000 doge in 12 hours and here i see nothing yet.
Perhaps you should mention how often or when you pay out on the homepage.
Sory if I overlooked it.


Round payouts are given after the round is completed, and then a subsequent 30(I think?) confirmations of your earnings. This round has been active for nearly 16 hours now. No one has been paid out on it yet, but I can confirm that it does pay out(rather quickly!) once a new block has been found and your prior earnings are confirmed.

binaryclock has even been so kind as to allow automatic payments as low as 200 coins, which is basically every round(LOVE IT). Stick with it, it'll come.
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December 21, 2013, 02:24:24 AM

still no block, and binaryclock has even left the pool now.

down to 160 miners
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December 21, 2013, 02:45:38 AM

such luck
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December 21, 2013, 02:49:44 AM

Damn I hope this one doesn't flop out. He seems like one of the only doge pool owners that actually knows wtf they're doing..
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December 21, 2013, 06:15:03 AM

I'm out. Some serious bad luck here. I'm sure I'll be paid out for my work eventually, right? RIGHT?
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