BCT name: thuytran82
Twitter Campaign
Twitter account Link:
https://twitter.com/tranthi18464822Links to the rts&likes
Week #1 14-20
Week #2 5/21_27/5
1- (5/21):
https://twitter.com/eIncHQ/status/973859756480884741?s=192- (mm/dd):
3- (mm/dd):
Week #3
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Week #4
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Week #5
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Week #6
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Week #7
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Week #8
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3- (mm/dd):
BCT name: thuytran82
Facebook Campaign
Facebook account Link:
https://www.facebook.com/Tranthithanhthuy82Links to the shares&likes
Week #1 14-20
https://www.facebook.com/Tranthithanhthuy82/posts/20351014733728622- (05/19):https://www.facebook.com/Tranthithanhthuy82/posts/2036589509890725
Week #2 5/21_27/5
1- (5/21):
https://www.facebook.com/Tranthithanhthuy82/posts/20376145131215582- (mm/dd):
3- (mm/dd):
Week #3
1- (mm/dd):
2- (mm/dd):
3- (mm/dd):
Week #4
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Week #5
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Week #6
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Week #7
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Week #8
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