no one is talking about never ending growth. the fact that you attribute a price of 10 dollars reasonable but 10 thousand unreasonable just shows how ridiculous your logic is and what a troll you are. stop talking bitcoin value terms,i know thats what gets everyone hard here but it is irrelevant. is the cryptographic asset class worth 10 billion? I think 1 trillion is a low ball estimate, especially due to the incoming haircuts and aggressive tax prosecution. gold is worth 5 trillion and it does nothing but sit in a vault. stfu and stop spreading fud
Also how could any future currency be just created up from the dust, given set "ok to everyone" value at the start and distributed to everyone equally so no one would need to be sad:(
My thoughts are that this is going pretty much as intended but its not just exponential, its also accelerating. And coming next weeks are maybe going to be something mind blowing, we'll see.