Hey everyone,
New to posting here, but have been mining for a while. I originally started mining with 2 AMD 5750's in 2010 but stopped after about a month thinking it wasn't worth the electricity cost. At the time I had accumulated about 7$ worth of Bitcoin, which is completely lost

. Since I've overwritten the hard drive and have no idea what pool I was even mining on. I pretty much abandoned ship without any care for my 7$ back then. I'm very sad about that now as that's quite a few 100's of dollars today.
Now I'm coming back with a little revenge, and not going to make the same mistake twice! I've got about 5.7Ghs worth of ASIC miners for SHA-256 pools that I put to use, and about 1250 KH/s worth of scrypt mining power at my disposable. I'm trying to come out ahead and make some extra money to help secure my future, as I've never been a rich person. I'll leave the rest of the personal details out as they probably don't matter all that much to most people and I prefer to be mostly anonymous in the internet world. I've always loved computers and everything about them - which helped me land a job in the IT field. Crypto feels very natural to me already and I'm already trading and buying/selling between friends with it.
I know for sure, and I'm sure everyone does, Cryptocurrency isn't going away. Governments may do something 'rash' and try to get ride of it, I hope they don't but it does threaten their power over people in a way. If they try, I'll fight to the bitter end for the cryptos!
So Hi! Looking forward to meeting new people and learning more through these forums.