February 03, 2014, 09:11:24 AM |
I sold at 4650 because I was smart enough to read the signs.
If you sold that low evidently you suck at reading "the signs". Heck I sold some at 11500 just yesterday which I had picked up at 5500. You must've sold about as low as it ever got. Good job. At any rate why are you still trolling this topic if you no longer have a stake in it?
Age Of Mars | GameFI Virtual colonization of Mars
February 03, 2014, 09:34:54 AM |
I really thought that the online wallet was also part of the devs work  my 51.197 SMC are still visibile (see my signature), I just can't use them. What devs work? Developer awared t-hash.com (I think him) 1000 SMC bounty for create Online Wallet. Currently http://t-hash.com/ pool is in maintenance mode, maybe online wallet have same problem like pool. Maybe is only temporary technical problem - nothing worst. very strange is that the t-hash does not inform about the problem and did not say when it might fix it. was a weekend, maybe he was not at the computer. Today should explain. I only wonder why people use a public online wallet (usually they are quite a few safe-vulnerable to attack). no but you can see people have such a need. ( I can enter on server by SSH and there is smartcoind ;] - my little convenient wallet online) ) People quietly, maybe today will be clarified. PS. A few people have idea what the problem could cause a lack of ability to pay from wallet...
Activity: 24
Merit: 0
February 03, 2014, 10:06:25 AM |
ok, you're right, people should stop complaining about this great coin... what i'm still missing, is a blog, where our Dev posts what he's currently working on, and which steps are going to be the next one made. maybe that might stop people from dumping this coin, and make everybody happier!? 
February 03, 2014, 10:06:40 AM |
 URL: http://www.xhash.net
Pool info: - VARDIFF / Stratum / PPLNS
- 0% fee for all our pools
- 1% default donation (removable)
xHash.net Pools - Frycoin (FRY), Karmacoin (KARM), Leafcoin (LEAF), Lottocoin (LOT), Phicoin (PHI), Potcoin (POT), RapidCoin (RPD), Smartcoin (SMC).
February 03, 2014, 10:07:41 AM |
ok, you're right, people should stop complaining about this great coin... what i'm still missing, is a blog, where our Dev posts what he's currently working on, and which steps are going to be the next one made. maybe that might stop people from dumping this coin, and make everybody happier!?  Agreed more info is needed.. to calm the masses 
Activity: 20
Merit: 0
February 03, 2014, 01:08:09 PM |
SMC reached 200 votes on Cryptsy freshdesk 
February 03, 2014, 01:14:30 PM |
SMC reached 200 votes on Cryptsy freshdesk  Nice. Good job people 

Activity: 98
Merit: 10
February 03, 2014, 01:39:14 PM |
I have not given up on this coin yet.
February 03, 2014, 02:01:48 PM |
What are peoples (pools) average Block times, your Hash rates and payouts like ? I am sitting loaner on a pool by myself (fairly new to mining and just wondering if I am doing well where I am. I notice ya'll don't have a ton of coins so I think I'm doing good infact, but just want some numbers to compare please.
thanks all in advance for your input

Activity: 82
Merit: 10
February 03, 2014, 02:29:19 PM |
We could use a little bit more hash over here. smc.smartmining.netWe're finding blocks but we've not enough miners. Everybody is welcome to mine with us. We have - Stratum with VARDIFF (suitable for high- and low end-rigs) - full transperancy - latest MPOS - fast payouts - only 1% fee Happy hashing!
Activity: 20
Merit: 0
February 03, 2014, 02:42:19 PM |
https://smc.hash.so (In migration currently) 420 miners 370MHashs 1 block/50secondes no fee (but put 0,5% if you can  for the pool !)
February 03, 2014, 02:49:10 PM |
We could use a little bit more hash over here. smc.smartmining.netWe're finding blocks but we've not enough miners. Everybody is welcome to mine with us. We have - Stratum with VARDIFF (suitable for high- and low end-rigs) - full transperancy - latest MPOS - fast payouts - only 1% fee Happy hashing! You are infact the pool I am mining at, I have been solo for most of the time I have been here, you havea tidy server and great ping for Australia, most I normally get is a ping of 500-700 ms, you I get 100ms, so I'm quite happy there, no crying orphans which is even better, I will be staying here unless something goes wrong.

Activity: 82
Merit: 10
February 03, 2014, 02:49:51 PM |
https://smc.hash.so (In migration currently) 420 miners 370MHashs 1 block/50secondes no fee (but put 0,5% if you can  for the pool !) Congratulations to hash.so for being so succsesfull! Of course nobody cares one pool having 95% net hash rate. Keep going 

Activity: 82
Merit: 10
February 03, 2014, 02:53:38 PM |
We could use a little bit more hash over here. smc.smartmining.netWe're finding blocks but we've not enough miners. Everybody is welcome to mine with us. We have - Stratum with VARDIFF (suitable for high- and low end-rigs) - full transperancy - latest MPOS - fast payouts - only 1% fee Happy hashing! You are infact the pool I am mining at, I have been solo for most of the time I have been here, you havea tidy server and great ping for Australia, most I normally get is a ping of 500-700 ms, you I get 100ms, so I'm quite happy there, no crying orphans which is even better, I will be staying here unless something goes wrong. Thanks for looking for alternatives. Set your account to zero fees.
February 03, 2014, 02:57:48 PM |
We could use a little bit more hash over here. smc.smartmining.netWe're finding blocks but we've not enough miners. Everybody is welcome to mine with us. We have - Stratum with VARDIFF (suitable for high- and low end-rigs) - full transperancy - latest MPOS - fast payouts - only 1% fee Happy hashing! You are infact the pool I am mining at, I have been solo for most of the time I have been here, you havea tidy server and great ping for Australia, most I normally get is a ping of 500-700 ms, you I get 100ms, so I'm quite happy there, no crying orphans which is even better, I will be staying here unless something goes wrong. Thanks for looking for alternatives. Set your account to zero fees. WOW !! Awesome, thanks  guess I'm calling this home from now on  thank you.

Activity: 98
Merit: 10
February 03, 2014, 03:20:03 PM |
I sold at 4650 because I was smart enough to read the signs.
If you sold that low evidently you suck at reading "the signs". Heck I sold some at 11500 just yesterday which I had picked up at 5500. You must've sold about as low as it ever got. Good job. At any rate why are you still trolling this topic if you no longer have a stake in it? at .0004650 you moron! I sold at the effing peak, right after it launched.

Activity: 84
Merit: 10
February 03, 2014, 03:45:18 PM |
The pool at the online wallet says: This pool is currently in maintenance mode.
Could this be causing our issue of not being able to transfer anything? Or is this really a scam did we lose our coins?

Activity: 82
Merit: 10
February 03, 2014, 03:48:15 PM |
The pool at the online wallet says: This pool is currently in maintenance mode.
Could this be causing our issue of not being able to transfer anything? Or is this really a scam did we lose our coins?
Here is a pool that's not in maintenance mode: smc.smartmining.net
February 03, 2014, 05:40:00 PM |
SMC reached 200 votes on Cryptsy freshdesk  Nice. Good job people  Cryptsy should add very very soon (hopefully)
February 03, 2014, 06:55:59 PM |
Minar.cc SMC SmartCoin PPLNS Mining Pool
I have setup a VARDIFF+Stratum PPLNS Mining Pool, so you are welcome to join and spread the network hashrate. Please let me know if you find anything out of normal, comments and suggestions also welcome! I have set pool fees to 1% and only 0.01 SMC payout fee to pay the actual transaction fee. SMC.minar.ccStart your miner using the following parameters: URL: | stratum+tcp://smc.minar.cc | PORT: | 3345 | USER: | username.worker | PASS: | workerPass |
Sample command-line: ./cgminer -o stratum+tcp://smc.minar.cc:3345 --scrypt -u username.worker -p workerPass SMC.minar.cc UP AND RUNNING!Everybody welcome here! Spread the hashrate!! Anyone else want to mine over here?? I've used minar.cc for mining Cryptogenic Bullion and they are one of the best I've used, very stable, no issues with payouts etc. I'm mining there by myself at the minute, anyone fancy joining me??  Hey thanks for the nice words!
Join us!
Minar.cc pools are not running anymore, the domain was registered by someone else and I don't have any relationship with the new owner.