almost 2hr and stuck at block 188 ... is that normal ?
everything work at first, even got 2 x 740 from wallet mining .. and then it stopped on block 188 ... should i stop mining and wait till it fixed ? or continuing is okay too ?
I'm getting a lot of connections from clients running the main protoshares nodes. This is causing a metric f-ton of orphan blocks on the RadioShares network. I thought I had put code in there to prevent this, but it is not working as intended. The networks are mixing and that is causing a lot of DoS-style action on the main block chain.
My client is at block 194. Running
radioshares getpeerinfo will list the connections. Those at a block height of > 40000 are on the main PTS chain and aren't useful for RadioShares. I wish there was a way to just ban them until I can get a fix in the code, but I haven't found one yet.