Welcome to new multi coin pool.
CoinMine.PWAnd.... It's done! Now every worker have own personal pool and all at one address! Point your worker to any of our stratum nodes around the world and change setting on Workers page! Every worker can have own CoinSets! or just mine your favorite coin!
Pool uses self-made software what allow to me much easier manage pools with many coins mined.
New functions and optimizations can be added very easy because I know how "every byte" of my pool works! I don't use any pre-made solutions.
You can mine now (your suggestions to add more coins, please):
Over 40 coins to mine with different algos!Our stratum nodes:- stratum+tcp://EU.coinmine.pw:[PORT] Location: Europe
- stratum+tcp://US.coinmine.pw:[PORT] Location: USA
- stratum+tcp://CA.coinmine.pw:[PORT] Location: USA + Canada
- stratum+tcp://CN.coinmine.pw:[PORT] Location: China
- stratum+tcp://SG.coinmine.pw:[PORT] Location: Asia-Pacific
- stratum+tcp://BR.coinmine.pw:[PORT] Location: Brazil
Main futures:- >40 coins to mine from one account!
- Scrypt, Scrypt-N and X11 pools
- Unique functions
- 0% withdraw fee
- 1.5% mining fee
- Easy switch coins from web interface for every worker without reconnects and stales!
- Almost 0% reject rate !
- Switch and monitor workers with API !
- Check balances and withdraw funds with API !
- 6 Stratum nodes around the world!
- Auto switch workers with personal Coin Sets and Coin's Difficulty range for every Worker
- USD, LTC, BTC rates for all mined coins!
- Profitability calculator for LTC, USD for all coins!
- Really FAST and clean interface.
- Self-written server software optimized for maximum performance!
- Cool and impressive functions adds almost every day!
And off course:
- Several Dedicated Xeon Servers
- SSL support
- DDOS Protection
- 99.9% Uptime since launch
- IRC and E-mail support!
- Stratum
- PPL(10MIN)S Payout
- Manual payouts without minimum
- Auto Payouts every 5 minutes
Unique MultiCoin pool!
Now our server can control coins, you mine, based at worker name. If you'll point your miner to any stratum node, you'll get ability to switch coins, you mine, with our website user interface!
worker settings button in your account. More to come!
Now I have absolute control about coin's you mine. Your coin will be changed instantly without disconnects, reconnects or some crap.
And now It's possible to monitor any coin parameter and change your own worker based on this !
Every worker is
Unique for us!
Will be added soon:
Create your own coin sets for every worker.Setup your preferred difficulty.Easy API to switch workers.
All done! Much new futures to go!Write your suggestions! What parameters you want to monitor to switch coins?
It's all possible now at
CoinMine.PW! Pool revolution is HERE!
Automatic profit switcher pool added!
Smooth coin switching without delays or reconnects!
Now your can always mine most profitable coin!
Will be happy if you'll point some miners here.
Why Mine HereFast and Stable workI have about 10 years experience as a programmer and server administrator. The server software has been optimized for maximum security and performance.
Maximum UptimeWe use a stable Xeon server that runs with a minimum of additional services. Network bandwidth is 1Gbit with a direction connection to main EU up-streams. Sure, the service will have problems under a large DDOS-attack, but I have a lot of experience with DDOS-protection and do my best to minimize its effect should it ever occur.
Maximum SecurityThe service works as a dedicated server and does not have any control panels installed – making it nothing to hack. The Wink Server pool doesn’t even have an administrator’s control panel. All monitoring and service is provided with direct access to databases. All pool code has been checked for security and vulnerability and your coins are safe so long as you have your password and PIN secured.
2-Step Authentication will be added soon as an option – but the best security is always to regularly withdraw your funds.
Server can use HTTPS protocol for better security. Use link
https://ssl.coinmine.pwSimple Interface and only Needed InformationMy main goal is to provide a quality mining service for users. This is possible only with smooth and simple mining processes. So, I don’t overload the user interface with blinking graphics and interactivity. But you still get important information such as your balance, the pool’s mined blocks, coin profitability and your mining reward. You also always get all information about your funded mining rewards, fees and paid withdrawals with TxID information.
Auto Switcher poolJust Turn On Autoswitcher and always mine most profitable coin! Also, you can mine solo coin as you like.
Multiple CoinsWith CoinMine you can mine many coins in one place.
One Registration for All CoinsYou only need to register one account for all our available coins. Registration is very simple. I don’t use any e-mail confirmations. You can also register one worker with any name for all the coins. We have workers with the name ‘1’ and it’s not a problem. Of course you can register several workers for your rigs if you want. You can filter mining transactions by workers name to get more specific statistic information.
One Worker name for All rigsDon't want to manage several workers and don't care about "per-worker" statistics? Just use same worker name for every rigs and our server
will take care about the rest. All your statistics will be accumulated. VARDIFFiculty still works perfectly for every connection.
PPL(Time)S - Pay for Shares last 10 Minutes.Classic pool software that most pools use was developed for BTC with 10 minutes block time. This means it uses this time between blocks to calculate your block reward. For many new coins the next block can usually be found in several seconds. If you’ don’t hurry and send any shares during this time you will get nothing for found blocks.
My pool does not use the last block time to determine last shares. It has a 10 minute window to determine reward proportions and make sure you’re paid correctly. It counts all the shares of the last 10 minutes, then your shares for that amount of time, and credits your reward for the block equal to your counted shares for that time period (depending on your workers difficulty of course).
Fast Coin Change When you switch to another coin inside CoinMine you get your full hash power for the new coin instantly. It counts all the shares sent (including the previous coin) in the last 10 minutes. Of course you instantly stop get any reward for last mined coin.
Mining transactions history grouping In the mining transactions window you can accumulate your mined amounts by hours, by days. So if you have mined coins over a period of several days you can easily check how many you received by day or by hour.
Now you can group your transactions by block number (stick all your workers together)!
Profitability InformationYou can check the profitability of our mined coins on the index page. Profitability is based on exchangers median weighted close price current day
(High + Low + 3*Close) / 5.
API is available.
Stratum protocolOur pool ONLY uses the Stratum protocol. It's quick, effective and environmentally friendly.
VAR DifficultyCoinMine.pw supports variable difficulty for every connection and is optimized for the current coin. This means you will get the optimal ratio between speed and network bandwidth. Also, with a 10 minute share window, there is no reason to send any (useless) shares in order to get every block. It is much better to try to work longer and more efficiently to have a chance at finding a really useful share that solves the block.
Block Finder BONUSThe block finder doesn’t have to pay mining fees! There is no reason to pay bonuses to the finder of the block, because to make up for it other miners will get fewer rewards. While finding a block is not an achievement (it’s probability) it is a good deal for the pool and everyone involved, so you don’t have to pay any mining fees.
Automatic Payouts Every 5 MinutesEnter your payout ratio and account, turn your workers on and forget about our site as we can handle all the payouts (Joking – don’t forget us)
Manual Payouts Every 10 MinutesYou can any time push "Manual" payout button near any mined balance and you will be paid during next payout. Where is no minimum values here.
No payout fees!I don’t charge any payout fees. Most alt-coins don’t require any fees for payments so there is no reason to charge it to you. If any fees happen they will be paid from the mining fee.
To Do:- I am happy to implement your suggestions (if they are constructive
Write your suggestions about new coins and pool futures here!
PS: I'm sorry for my English. I'm from Czech Republic. If you'll point to some spelling errors on my website you make me a favor.

PPS: I'm programmer, not "knight of the brush" so will be happy if some one can paint some logo for pool