You guys are hilarious. If you want to prop UTC's price, you would do what I'm doing.
Mine and dump other coins and buy UTC. This is a coin war. Push other coin prices down and see UTC price rise.
That's why the price is increasing. Right now you can buy more than you can mine.
Takes coin away from the dumpers and put's it in the wallets of the holders.
There are many good reasons to take the above approach.
1. Some people have been doing it a while, but go on this thread and spread fud to drive the price down to hoard more UTC.
2. Buying some UTC and adding some to the Buy wall will slowly ramp up the price.
3. This creates volume for UTC.
4. Higher volume and higher price, causes a more attractive coin for investors and miners
5. There aren't many investors looking to invest in a coin below a ranking of 20 on Coinmarketcap
6. Some new miners will dump, but some will hold. The word will spread and will attract investors too.
7. A steady to rising price will draw retailers to use the coin.
8. It will give ultracoin time to rise to the top as a asic resistant coin.
9. This will also allow time for infrastructure to grow.
10. By mining a different coin, it keeps the difficultly low making it more attractive to new miners.
11. Allows you to take some profits on other coins to pay for electricity, without using the coins in your UTC wallet.
There are probably a lot more reasons and maybe you can help me list them.