We are happy to introduce a new cryptocurrency and a very promising investment.
Frictionless Coin (FLC)
FLC is a 100% PoS (Proof-of-Stake) currency based on the NEX code. FrictionlessCoin is a fork of NEX code.
Coins are earned solely by charging transaction fees. The total amount of
FLC in circulation will 100,000,000
One of the main revolutionary aspect of
FLC is the 100% fair distribution, possible through a short and fair IPO of
14 days. Every interested investor could send any amount of BTC to the following BTC address:
I'm having trouble grasping how anyone could think a short 14 day IPO is in any way fair.
This is exactly like NXT, what are you doing different? Answer: NOTHING!
"One of the revolutionary aspects-" what other aspects? what else you got? Answer: NOTHING!
"Here let me release the exact same source code as this other coin and ask for money!"
You are a piece of shit and your coin is stupid.