Kcash Weekly Report (20180601)
Kcash officials would like to remind all users once again to Please back up your mnemonic!!!
KCASH Last Traded Price ¥0.8181 24hr Low ¥0.7848, 24 hr High ¥0.8898, Change 2.58%
EOS main net will release on June 1st. Please complete the mapping in time.
EOS crowd-funding will end on June 1, 2018 at 22:59:59 UTC. Within 23 hours after the crowd-funding ends, EOS released on Ethereum will stop the transfer. In order to avoid the loss of asset caused by failing to map of EOS, Kcash officials remind all users to complete the mapping in time!
Kcash officials suggest users to deposit EOS into escrow account so that Kcash wallet can complete one-click mapping automatically. And users do not need to do anything else.
1. Users need to succeed in transferring EOS into escrow account before launch of EOS main network
2. Transferring EOS into escrow account needs ETH as transaction fee, but because of Kcash free-fee event, we will return your transaction fee into your escrow account
Kcash wallet V 2.2.4 has been released!
Kcash wallet V 2.2.4 has been released, the feature of withdrawal will be available in this new version. At the same time, Kcash wallet added more new features such as security verification login. After withdrawal feature is available, there will be too much users to experience this new feature at the same time so that there will be SMS verification service jam. Kcash officials suggest that please try to not withdraw at different time. And we also need to do the manual revier for withdrawal after your application, so please wait patiently.
Community Operations + Products
1. Kcash wallet V 2.2.4 has been released!
2. Kcash wallet added EOS one-click mapping feature
3. Kcash wallet added withdrawal feature
4. Kcash wallet added Touch ID and Face ID unlock feature for IOS and fingerprint verification feature for Android
5. Third Party Application in wallet added access of GSX
6. Complete optimization for UI interface design of “Discover”
7. Kcash wallet app launched four major application stores
8. Official Twitter followers have increased by 657, reaching the current total of 5774.
9. Official Facebook followers have increased by 667, reaching the current total of 2112.
10. Official English Telegram followers increased by 504, reaching the current total of 26992.
11. Official Chinese Telegram followers have increased by 283, reaching the current total of 51686.
12. Official Wechat followers have increased by 1844 reaching the current total of 37828.