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Author Topic: T-Rex 0.26.8 ETHW, ETC (+dual mining) GPU miner  (Read 175019 times)
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December 10, 2020, 08:10:19 PM

If I didn't, you wouldn't have a reason to reply now right?
On a more serious note, because I mine on my gaming PC.

In any case, adding --no-nvml fixes it.

You are a genius! Thank you very much!
trexminer (OP)
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December 11, 2020, 08:52:35 AM

T-Rex 0.19.3

* ("octopus") Performance improvements 1-2% on some configurations
* ("octopus", "ethash") Reduce the amount of invalid shares
* Add "--no-hashrate-report" parameter to disable hashrate reporting to the mining pool
* Add "--gpu-report-interval" parameter removed in an earlier version
* Add "--keep-gpu-busy" parameter to continue mining even in case of connection loss (useful if pausing GPUs causes instability)
* Add "--api-read-only" parameter to forbid applying config changes via API and web-monitoring page
* Add CUDA Compute Capability 8.0 video cards support (NVIDIA A100)
* (UI) Various cosmetic changes

Bug fixes:
* (Windows) Miner crashes when using v460.79 video drivers
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December 11, 2020, 03:14:16 PM

Heads up, new version breaks (on older AMD cpus?) now with 0.19.3
20201211 08:44:35 TREX: eyJhIjoiZEhab0NhQk91TDNjZ1FpRlptaG1XQjdid25DMEwwOEdDaXBXZC9SYnlYK1B4OXFFUnlURll jOHVXWENZTWdrUEZHM1ZLYVdNTlNyeGZ3WGxFZ1JuRm4xY3ZYc0VPNzloamhnUnpKaU9PTHdZTVR0Rj lILy9lWlYwNDRYUHA0QUE3WjhaUXU3QWdBd21LZzN3OXY5RTh3PT0iLCJiIjoiNndrb0h6cllXN015Q WdkTmRIaU5hdz09In0K
20201211 08:44:35 WARN: Miner is going to shutdown...
20201211 08:44:40 TREX: eyJhIjoieXZOMHNnVEhlM0VTTHVrMkFQMVpHTUZmbEEyMGF5WHpnM0lGeGlzT3YreVg4SHBoWitxY01 DWW1HWHVYQVk5b1FhWVdSaXBkaHE3VHExRDd6Tk9PcEs1Q1lMNnk3dFMrd3lGWjB4TlB3aWtZekZnU2 9tNFp4VklPSTJuakNsWDlXMnZjY0dkV3RmcnVyRDQ2R2EvVlV3PT0iLCJiIjoiTlF1aUt4WmxvaTV3Q VRuOGg3ajBFZz09In0K
20201211 08:44:40 WARN: Miner is going to shutdown...
20201211 08:44:46 TREX: eyJhIjoidjIwQUdHUzJVN2RMUnplRmcyNG5ja1pkVEY1VFpwYU1oeVVTTmx3RnRWdnd6eVdLMGk2amp odnZkRjRnczNzTWEyTFF3LzFoNGhSOU5ZbFJPWXBWcFR2N1ozVm41WHp3RlJBYmRQU3krMTVVVXZFb0 N4U2wwOVQ2OHVNY05sUjdxc283YU9TQUU5YmRIRGZGbytDWTNRPT0iLCJiIjoiVXNBbUhYcWljYkVme VRrcjVOT1N4dz09In0K
20201211 08:44:46 WARN: Miner is going to shutdown...
20201211 08:44:52 TREX: eyJhIjoiK1orbGx0WXhQMmE2b1hNTkxSRXRTQkpYUlo2MHBFa1U1MlEwVGovZERFUzFnWHE1eDlCbHN DWHdCdS9QZ0ZJWEYrdFhnUmJ3S0hJZDJpQkFrZldIdDBHL1l1b3dHdjE3Uk1TTG4xbERwYVRjZFlUYk x3K0xvN1hCU0Q4RURHY2xpdkQybmoyam8wa3A4T1hOUmFFU2hBPT0iLCJiIjoiMDErcmE4bWE4TVN6W XRUaHQvdEVDdz09In0K
20201211 08:44:52 WARN: Miner is going to shutdown...
20201211 08:49:39 TREX: eyJhIjoiUzljTkJ5dFhEanBwYUQyL2lzMzF3UFZjV01oVFhtYW9HSktIQVBXN3FGVlZnTjE5ZDhqNnl 2UTQzR0FGWGRjcjMwRWFJaG1BbjNJeG1EUDVHWmFxODFlWFZCSmVJd2s2cmg5bU00TzA5dm5MM0liSH VwWU9YZFRMRk94WlViZUU2RUFpb3ZleWk1c09qREk1QUUyc29nPT0iLCJiIjoiUENUMTdUczhBVzg3Q i9FbFV6NmlBQT09In0K
20201211 08:49:39 WARN: Miner is going to shutdown...
20201211 08:49:45 TREX: eyJhIjoib3dMdDdLL0xFNDdmVVFGcEU0dGYvbEVNNGwxb0Z0eC9nbzR3S0pDM0dINzlQcjhyUTVMdHp mY1dkYXR4Q0RsR0pUbm41YllUaytyTGt3cFozRmo0OXVyWC8ySGRzaGF5VWczWEpqNzc3QU5IaUVJNX hrMlp5enB4SWc3RUZIWTFBcVE2dU9XeCtBU010WVA0dlZJd3F3PT0iLCJiIjoieWZwbTZzWlFtc1BLc DNVNU1aMjlpUT09In0K
20201211 08:49:45 WARN: Miner is going to shutdown...

Host system is an old FX processor.  0.19.1 works fine still.
trexminer (OP)
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Activity: 283
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December 11, 2020, 03:20:54 PM

Heads up, new version breaks (on older AMD cpus?) now with 0.19.3

Host system is an old FX processor.  0.19.1 works fine still.

Thanks for reporting, we'll fix it in the next version.
trexminer (OP)
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Activity: 283
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December 13, 2020, 07:50:46 AM

T-Rex 0.19.4

Bug fixes:
* (Windows) Not showing temperature / power consumption details when using v460.79 video drivers
* (Linux) Miner not starting with various "TREX: xxxx" (base64 encoded) errors
* "--keep-gpu-busy" not working under some conditions
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December 17, 2020, 01:03:07 PM
Last edit: December 17, 2020, 02:20:35 PM by giga2020


I have used one internet connection on one system shared by Windows 10 and a switch between the other computer systems (all use Windows 10 and now Trex 0.19.4 cuda 11.10). I have no problem with the pool connection in the source system (which shared the Internet connection) and it works well and find shares. However, I get connection time out on the other ones starting from today, after the DAG sizes are set and MH/s are also visible (with all firewalls off) and working some minutes (e.g., 3 min), and hence they do not find any shares.  This process is repeated with no success such a loop.

FYI: Every thing about connection with pool was OK the previous days on Ethash algo with Claymore 15
The ping of the pool is also OK in all Windows 10 systems. I am not sure what the problem will be   Huh Huh

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December 20, 2020, 12:11:40 PM

Dear T-rex developer,

I hope everything goes well on your side. Recently, I have tried to migrate to one of the mining software recommended by 2miners website (i.e., gminer and t-rex). However, I have face difficulties in making them start to mine through a cable based or wireless based network. I am not sure what strategies or algorithms are behind the software for communicating with the mining pools, but the issue is still there on my side.
For your information, I have been successful in using an LTE USB dongle in using the t-rex 0.19.4 by the time being, but not tried it yet in gminer. The Claymore has also the same issue and is working using an LTE USB dongle, as a couple of days ago it faced the errors of time out or no connection through ADSL router cable or the shared Internet of working LTE USB dongle shared through a switch.
In other words, recently all of the the sofwares in my side have faced an strange issue.
Additionally, the Internet network can easily ping the without any problems on all rigs using cable, wireless or LTE USB dongle.
As I am not aware of the inside of the mining program, so I can not find out why the no connection or time out messages can be issued even if the ping replies are OK.

I would appreciated it if you may kindly comment on this issue.

Thanks for your attention in this regards.
trexminer (OP)
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Activity: 283
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December 20, 2020, 02:11:48 PM

Dear T-rex developer,

I hope everything goes well on your side. Recently, I have tried to migrate to one of the mining software recommended by 2miners website (i.e., gminer and t-rex). However, I have face difficulties in making them start to mine through a cable based or wireless based network. I am not sure what strategies or algorithms are behind the software for communicating with the mining pools, but the issue is still there on my side.
For your information, I have been successful in using an LTE USB dongle in using the t-rex 0.19.4 by the time being, but not tried it yet in gminer. The Claymore has also the same issue and is working using an LTE USB dongle, as a couple of days ago it faced the errors of time out or no connection through ADSL router cable or the shared Internet of working LTE USB dongle shared through a switch.
In other words, recently all of the the sofwares in my side have faced an strange issue.
Additionally, the Internet network can easily ping the without any problems on all rigs using cable, wireless or LTE USB dongle.
As I am not aware of the inside of the mining program, so I can not find out why the no connection or time out messages can be issued even if the ping replies are OK.

I would appreciated it if you may kindly comment on this issue.

Thanks for your attention in this regards.

Hi. I'm not a network engineer, so you may want to direct your question to someone who is. What you describe sounds like a network related issue that's outside of our control. By the way, ICMP (used by ping) and TCP (used by mining software) are two different protocols, so if you don't have issues with one, that doesn't necessarily mean you won't have issues with the other.
Sorry I don't have a solution for your issue.
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December 20, 2020, 04:07:09 PM

Dear T-rex developer,

I hope everything goes well on your side. Recently, I have tried to migrate to one of the mining software recommended by 2miners website (i.e., gminer and t-rex). However, I have face difficulties in making them start to mine through a cable based or wireless based network. I am not sure what strategies or algorithms are behind the software for communicating with the mining pools, but the issue is still there on my side.
For your information, I have been successful in using an LTE USB dongle in using the t-rex 0.19.4 by the time being, but not tried it yet in gminer. The Claymore has also the same issue and is working using an LTE USB dongle, as a couple of days ago it faced the errors of time out or no connection through ADSL router cable or the shared Internet of working LTE USB dongle shared through a switch.
In other words, recently all of the the sofwares in my side have faced an strange issue.
Additionally, the Internet network can easily ping the without any problems on all rigs using cable, wireless or LTE USB dongle.
As I am not aware of the inside of the mining program, so I can not find out why the no connection or time out messages can be issued even if the ping replies are OK.

I would appreciated it if you may kindly comment on this issue.

Thanks for your attention in this regards.

Hi. I'm not a network engineer, so you may want to direct your question to someone who is. What you describe sounds like a network related issue that's outside of our control. By the way, ICMP (used by ping) and TCP (used by mining software) are two different protocols, so if you don't have issues with one, that doesn't necessarily mean you won't have issues with the other.
Sorry I don't have a solution for your issue.

Many thanks for letting me know about TCP which is used by mining software. After doing the test command for TCP connection in Windows 10, which returned true, it started to work again via the cable... really strange to me but it works now.

Thanks again for your comment
trexminer (OP)
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December 21, 2020, 10:14:41 AM

T-Rex 0.19.5

* ("octopus") Up to 20% performance improvements on most 20xx and 30xx series GPUs with low PL
* ("octopus") Add solo mining support
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December 24, 2020, 04:27:19 AM

After working for some days, again with untouched and same configurations, the T-rex mining software stopped on the rig using shared LTE Internet with an error "no connection" on causing by failed to ethproxy-subscribe .... can not parse Json. However, the source rig with LTE Internet is still working without problems, firewalls are all disabled.
I have also tested the TCP connection as well as UDP connection with nmap software from and they are successfully discovered well, specially the one related to 2020 port Huh Huh

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December 25, 2020, 06:09:46 AM

Hi, I switch today to t-rex from Claymore's miner and getting 18-20 MH/s instead of 35MH/s on 1070ti no matter the setting, set highest intensity and CPU priority and no result.
Tried running benchmark with 383 epoch with which Claymore was still functioning, gettin better 27MH/s, but still not nearly good.
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December 25, 2020, 10:09:22 AM

Hi, I switch today to t-rex from Claymore's miner and getting 18-20 MH/s instead of 35MH/s on 1070ti no matter the setting, set highest intensity and CPU priority and no result.
Tried running benchmark with 383 epoch with which Claymore was still functioning, gettin better 27MH/s, but still not nearly good.

Chck for newer drivers and make sure your OC settings are correct.  My 1070ti's get 33MH @120w with 150core 650Mem with HiveOS, newest Trex cuda 11.1 and 10 work for me.
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December 25, 2020, 11:40:48 AM

Hi, I switch today to t-rex from Claymore's miner and getting 18-20 MH/s instead of 35MH/s on 1070ti no matter the setting, set highest intensity and CPU priority and no result.
Tried running benchmark with 383 epoch with which Claymore was still functioning, gettin better 27MH/s, but still not nearly good.

Chck for newer drivers and make sure your OC settings are correct.  My 1070ti's get 33MH @120w with 150core 650Mem with HiveOS, newest Trex cuda 11.1 and 10 work for me.

this method didn't work in my windows 7 rigs, 1080ti gpus.
trexminer (OP)
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December 25, 2020, 01:40:07 PM

Putting this info here in bold to make sure people notice it.

Massive hashrate drops on some 10xx cards is a known issue on epoch >=384 when running Windows 7 and 8.1.
According to the reports of our users updating to Win10 or linux solves the problem.

Tried running benchmark with 383 epoch with which Claymore was still functioning, gettin better 27MH/s, but still not nearly good.
Had you been running Claymore with straps? If so, try "--mt 5" with t-rex, it will increase the hashrate.
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December 25, 2020, 01:56:28 PM

Today we have found solution of performance degradation on Nvidia GPUs under Windows 7 and Windows 8.1
GMiner v2.38 includes this fix and available to download on github
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December 26, 2020, 05:31:02 AM

I am a little new, my 3090 asus strix is only doing about 92-95 MH/s, I am using on windows 10, is that the correct one?
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December 26, 2020, 07:43:30 AM

I am a little new, my 3090 asus strix is only doing about 92-95 MH/s, I am using on windows 10, is that the correct one?
only GTX cards under Windows 7/8 experience hashrate drop by our observations
trexminer (OP)
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December 26, 2020, 07:56:43 AM

I am a little new, my 3090 asus strix is only doing about 92-95 MH/s, I am using on windows 10, is that the correct one?

Yes, CUDA 11.1 build is the only one that works with 3090. I'm assuming you're talking about ethash? You may want to try overclocking memory to achieve better results.
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December 26, 2020, 02:17:52 PM

Yeah, it turned that the problem for me was running windows 7. Updating to windows 10 fixed the problem. Now sometimes when driver fail, overclock settings from msi afterburner get reset, miner restart and start mining with default clocks.
Is there a way to make miner exit or set watchdog like in claymore to watch hashrate and if it drops below certain level - exit? CMD script will do restart thing afterwards.
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