thanks for clarification. *thumbsup*
I will add a few more points.
To start off, you can simply just buy any number of Wasps and Hives that you can afford and they will be delivered to you if you wish.
But let's say that you can't afford to buy a whole Wasp right away. Well, then you can buy as many GH/s as you can afford, just to start out with. Once you own a full Wasp's worth (or many Wasp's worth) of GH/s, just as CEX offers, you can request to have the physical miningware delivered to you at any time
you desire.
And there are plenty of individuals that want to invest in Bitcoin mining, but do not want to hassle with or do not have the expertise to the maintain the mining gear. Having SWMC host the miningware is a good solution for them. Additionally, SWMC will be using industrial strength cooling like oil cooling and other techniques that involve recovering heat energy to reduce mining costs. Not something most individuals can provide for themselves, so that's one advantage over self-hosting.
SWMC is also committed to moving towards using renewable energy resources like solar and wind power (hence the name
SolarWind) among many other common and novel technologies. Doing so will give SWMC a monetary advantage over the industry's standard practice of generating tons of unused waste heat and drawing then paying for electricity off of the grid. When I first presented this plan to the community, many said that it couldn't be done.
I would like to point out that
KnCMiner just recently announce that they are building a data center to host their customers (and their own) miningware and that the data center will be completely powered by renewable energy sources...
maybe I wasn't
as nuts or off track as some implied!
Again, that's not something that the average individual will be able to do, so SWMC offers that as another advantage over self-hosting.
So lets say that you receive your miningware and start it hashing away on your own premises. Then, at some point in time, your gear burns out a component. You'll either have to repair it yourself, send it to someone who can repair it (all the while, losing valuable hashing time) or just trash it and lose any chance of ever reaching ROI. Then what? Well, with SWMC's cloud hosting and Hashing Exchange, you will own X-GH/s, no matter what. If equipment breaks down, SWMC is responsible for repairing it, but the customer will not lose any hashing time at all during the repair period. Lost hashing power will come out of SWMC own hashing count and not from our customers. So, as long as there isn't a mass failure, the customer won't lose any income from hardware failures. That is an advantage that SWMC offers over self-hosting, because it is simply impossible for an individual to do at all.
There are other bonuses as well, but I'll leave that for another time. CeeCee, I'm sure that there are many others whom have wondered the same thing but didn't bother to ask. So... Thanks for the chance to answer your question!