Starting Difficulty ? let me guess, 0.00024414 ?
Retarget: 60 blocks - 1 hour
you are planning to have alittle insta-mine, then get raped by multipools [if this gets on any exchange], & just after that you will "learn" to not make the same old "mistake" & will implement KGW ?
Thank you.
KGW is implemented. -
So we won't be raped by multipools Some modifications about the rewards:
Max coins: 1 billion
Normal reward: 10,000
Lemon reward: 10 x normal
reward halved every 100,000 blocks.
Block at height 1 won't be counted as Lemon block.
More advices are welcome. Please pm me or post on the thread.The OP still says "Retarget: 60 blocks - 1 hour" instead of 1 [KGW] !?
since at least you pretend to listen;
IF you really wanna have a fair launch,
- Start with block reward 0.1 & go linear to 10 for the first 100 blocks at least. [no insta-mine, even in case of pool down-times]
- "Lemon Blocks"
must be random on each 1000 blocks, not on a specific block # 100
1, 200
1,... as those blocks will be an easy target for Multipools or private pools whom can jump generally.
- Have at least 1 official &
stable pool [with
DDOS protection] ready for launch.
~ pEAce