Jr. Member
Activity: 574
Merit: 2
July 07, 2018, 10:21:39 PM |
I agree with topicstarter! there is a ICO boom now, and everyone try to sell any shit, serving under the beautiful sauce. I'm actually surprised how much money projects are raising even in such a bearish market, seeing how much scam there has been lately. And I always wonder why they need so much money to develop a product. It's a shame that investors are generally poorly protected from this scams, regulation is urgently needed. It's not fair that investors go through KYC, but the creators don't publish their data publicly, although for me these people should do it in the first place! We need to know our "heroes" in person. Then they'll be less tempted to run away with our money.
Oh this is very accurate This is the most important section that has been neglected by most fake icos Why hide your identity if you are making a product for the world ?? Why request kyc when you will end up running away with made Etherum balances Hopefully the review is done and all this are taken care of
Activity: 62
Merit: 0
July 07, 2018, 10:25:29 PM |
I believe that many ICOs collect very large amounts of non-product development that require 10 times less funds. As soon as the ICOs cease to be greedy, we can see a completely new kind of crypto currency.

Activity: 372
Merit: 10
July 07, 2018, 10:29:21 PM |
We can't immediately conclude that bearish time will be forever. Some of this days it will over and we enjoy a bull run. Be positive because in any kind of investment,trading or businesses it will come a down times but it doesn't mean we can't recover.
July 07, 2018, 10:32:18 PM |
The current cryptocurrency market is very pessimistic and unstable due to the continually lower exchange rate and no sign of recovery. If this situation happens too long, the bearish market situation is indispensable. So at this time, do not invest in crypto but analyze and control the exchange rate of the market.
July 07, 2018, 10:43:43 PM |
Icos has been overused by scammers. They see pretty good business in ico. Its pretty darn easy to make up one with the use of rhe ethereum platfor. And yeah they made a good advantage of that too. There is now a lot of scams going on in icos. And the worst part of it, you'll never really know until they screw you up. This makes the good potential ico pushed to the middle of this and never gets attention or funding. So these good projects go to waste.

Activity: 406
Merit: 11
Until the end of time
July 07, 2018, 11:05:38 PM |
ICO investing have changed over the past few months now, before people invest in project because they believe in the project and they invest and hold but now the it's a different ball game, people invest to dump and make profit.
Jr. Member
Activity: 532
Merit: 6
July 07, 2018, 11:16:31 PM |
We can't immediately conclude that bearish time will be forever. Some of this days it will over and we enjoy a bull run. Be positive because in any kind of investment,trading or businesses it will come a down times but it doesn't mean we can't recover.
I do agree it’s difficult to conclude the bearish moment continues But making daily investments trading are always worth it I believe We will all recover and soon enough all scam icos will be put to an end Crypto is here to stay and it’s accepted almost all over the world The wait will be over soon
Jr. Member
Activity: 322
Merit: 1
July 08, 2018, 12:45:29 AM |
Currently, I just observed that berish market is more recurring than compared to the bullish run. Also, I had notice that ther are a lot of ICO's that are scam where they are just leaving their investors and bounty hunters without proper notification. I hope that the bitoinforum officials should screen these ICO scammers not to let them continue doing their fraud activity scamming money from the investors. It is also unfair for the bounty hunters effort and time participating these scammers and they should be accountable for everything they had done.
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July 08, 2018, 02:00:01 AM |
We are not sure what is the real reason why we have a bearish market.
But I agree that it should be the lack of knowledge of investors. Maybe they just FOMO'd in last time.
History will just repeat itself, hopefully.
If the bearish market is because of too many investors fear, then it will need time and positive news to gain back investors confidence in the market.
Jr. Member
Activity: 266
Merit: 2
July 08, 2018, 04:57:51 AM |
Unfortunately that's how it works. We need new investors to blow the market. But the increasingly clever scammers make this business look so terrible from the outside. So it might take a great effort to restore the market.
Activity: 169
Merit: 0
July 08, 2018, 05:14:10 AM |
When the trend in the market begins to change, trading on the stock exchange will begin to look like a bull market. I expect that the market will begin to stabilize at the level of December, maybe earlier, it's difficult even to say exactly the next year.
Possibly so because nowadays many people are waiting for crypto market prices to return because a few weeks ago crypto market is decreasing and now that I see in the recovery period, therefore, I am sure with the end of the bear market all will be good and could benefit again
Activity: 3486
Merit: 1356
Leading Crypto Sports Betting & Casino Platform
July 08, 2018, 05:37:17 AM |
You are absolutely right. I am surprised to see project asking for valuations of more than $100 million USD in some of the ICOs. Do you know how long it took for ETH to reach that sort of market capitalization?
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July 08, 2018, 05:50:15 AM |
mindsets to help you stay calm and play dead when the Crypto market takes a swipe at your returns last phase, Crypto prices continue to drop, but slowly. As low prices and good news starts to attract investors again, bear markets start to lead to bull markets.
true, for every bear market, there will be a lead for bull markets, for every ups, there are some downs. the deeper the dump, the higher the pump will come, that's what I believe.
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Activity: 266
Merit: 10
July 09, 2018, 04:33:45 AM |
Some people think this is the biggest crash, some think it's a normal cycle. But I think the situation is not good, and successful ico get hardcap also have difficulty in exchange market. Maybe we need a momentum to make the market stable, and unfortunately the time that becomes our closest ally.

Activity: 294
Merit: 10
July 10, 2018, 08:52:06 AM |
In my opinion, a situation like this may indeed have to happen, that the market is unlikely to grow indefinitely. It might be better if we blame last year's crazy rise, and let's rebuild this ruin with reasonable expectations, because I think crypto never gets out of its way.
July 10, 2018, 09:05:47 AM |
Of course it will be different, the situation in the past year and the current situation. Let's just say we are being punished for our own greed. But there is always a way out, although today many projects are failing, but if everyone still has the same optimism, crypto will be back where it should be.
OluwaTosin10 (OP)
Jr. Member
Activity: 546
Merit: 4
July 10, 2018, 02:09:28 PM |
Some people think this is the biggest crash, some think it's a normal cycle. But I think the situation is not good, and successful ico get hardcap also have difficulty in exchange market. Maybe we need a momentum to make the market stable, and unfortunately the time that becomes our closest ally.
Yes some people think this is the biggest crash, but im not fazed, this is not the first bearish period and it will not be the last bearish period. So nothing to really worry about. Lets just hodl to gain.
Jr. Member
Activity: 658
Merit: 5
July 14, 2018, 12:24:36 PM |
I believe that many ICOs collect very large amounts of non-product development that require 10 times less funds. As soon as the ICOs cease to be greedy, we can see a completely new kind of crypto currency.
Yes but not only do they collect and make several Etherum Most projects abandons the aims and goal of the project and then dump off the Ethereum making price dip at ridiculous rates you wouldn’t imagine But soon hopefully, history will repeat itself and this bearish market be over
Jr. Member
Activity: 574
Merit: 2
July 14, 2018, 01:01:05 PM |
OP don't think bad we can't monitor or we can only predict the price here in crypto and we have many users here
Go always in the bright side think positive always for more good and scam ICO is always here
Try faucets,trading,gambling and campaign so focus in the worth it
I think we can monitor the market but only a token at some point On the good or bad side Have seen tokens do 1000x in Hitbtc even during the bearish market we all are complaining It depends on your research and mindset

Activity: 378
Merit: 13
July 16, 2018, 07:53:41 PM |
In my opinion, a situation like this may indeed have to happen, that the market is unlikely to grow indefinitely. It might be better if we blame last year's crazy rise, and let's rebuild this ruin with reasonable expectations, because I think crypto never gets out of its way.
I do concur totally Blaming would not solve it at all and this year has taught us all that regulating crypto currency would do more good and crypto should embrace it as well Let’s all wait to see if the supposed August bull run happens