because you cant read doesnt mean im worming around anything little panda.
I don't know about the BTC as I am had no involvement in the IPO - You are directing this question at the wrong person - and did i receive any BTC before you ask.. NO... does it worry me.. NO - we all have a common objective here which is to see the coin succeed and in 4 days we have accomplished more than pretty much any other alt coin around .. have you ever seen so much momentum behind a launch?
Now i've given you an answer re the IPO PANDAS which were distributed your still trying to find a way to justify your words by saying 'what if what if' about various things.. Molly, Jacob and Wolong have all said this much, i don't doubt for one second they will be sticking to their guns, as wolong did about releasing public ledger.
Let me tell you, openly and honestly, I have pasted my wallet here before and for my efforts in helping the team and to get the coin out there I received 20mil from the devs for my ongoing assistance.
I don't understand why you are spending so much time trying to seemingly look for something that in reality just doesn't exist.. what do you want myself or any other team member to say.. 'yes, we are using these bitcoins we raised in the IPO to purchase WMD's' ..
if you are not mining panda, holding panda or interested in panda then why are you here? lol
So, and why didnt you tell that the first time when I asked? I asked where the transparency is and you wormed around. If you dont know that, then you are not the right adress of my question - yet you should ask it yourself, I mean after all you created this thread here and are suporting the coin heavily with your time and probably even with part of your earnings...
So, wolong has been known for aggressive attacks on markets, getting teams together on IRC and bid-ridding to manipulate price. Now he creates a coin, collects 250BTC and holds still more than half of the premine. What's that money for? Wolong is an aggressive child who thinks himself as the king of crypto market.
And why I am here? I too said that already, its you who can not read - or doesnt want to. You are doing foul game here, ignoring half of what I said.
I am here because I believe in cryptos and their free and decentralized ideal. This coin is completely against it, as I explained already.
You trust someone who posts boldly on twitter, that he "kills" coins.
Original: that this is total bullshit, Doge is far from being killed and all his manipulating attemts did nothing on the market because the volume of Dogecoin was too big for our little chinese friend. Still he declares war on other coins? You still believe in this guy, who calls himself "Game of
deception"? This is not a scammer? You kidding me?
You wanted evidence that wolong manipulates markets, here you have your evidence, served by "GOD" himself.
Cryptos already have bad reputation by conservative media and people who dont know more. Cryptos are called money for criminals, ponzi, scam in the outside world and infantile sociopaths like wolong just proves the naysayers right. States are banning or planning to ban cryptomarkets, and this harms us all!
Now wolong comes out of some hole and declares war on several coins and you fucking trust him your EARNINGS? I can not describe how retarded that is... this coin is not a fair compeditor, it is an aggressive attempt to milk money out of a hype of altcoins and it's pulling the whole scene into dirt, everyone who supports these children. And that's why I am here. I want cryptos to survive, I want them to become an alternative for state controlled fiat money, I want fair competition, and proov, that this works with out centralized state controled economy. I want freedom. But with freedom comes responsibility for one's own actions. This kid here has none.