Simon Templar
Activity: 42
Merit: 0
April 15, 2014, 01:09:29 AM Last edit: April 15, 2014, 03:28:20 AM by Simon Templar |
JTK, I totally get what you are saying and agree with your sentiment. I'm just trying to think outside the box. Perhaps a website service that could restrict unwanted parties votes would be workable? Sry if I've pissed off any shareholders, that is not my want. I am just trying to be proactive and would invite others to be the same. While Ken holds the reigns, history tells us that he is susceptible to shareholder influence and we should continue to pressure him all the way through to World domination! He said himself that he wants ActiveMining to become the biggest Bitcoin mine in the World. How's he gonna get there without us, eh? We are his driving force. Edit - 37 voters so far... A Poll can be great but no-one requested it and everyone seems to have already stated their option and the consensus appeared to be Havelock.
Yeah, but everyone had an opinion on fatal infectious diseases and yet no-one requested Penicillin in 1928. I'm not Alexander Fleming and you're not an infectious disease, or at least I hope not. You get my point. The question thing we had going on for a while was definitely good as someone could add to the list on Thursday and come back on Wednesday with their question answered by Ken himself.
Yes, it was a good thing. So why not offer to compile shareholder questions yourself and put them to Ken? We should all be prepared to do our part, especially if we are such avid shareholders like yourself. Edit - Some of you guys do my head in, honestly. You sit there and mouth off your opinions and NEVER use your words for the greater good. I'm left dumbfounded by your impotence at times. Don't you realise that it is within your grasp to ACTUALLY change things for the better? No? Well good luck to you 'cause I'm not changing.
April 15, 2014, 05:08:45 AM |
@ Simon, I try and make it a point ask Ken a question every time I make a post on this website. I try to make it a point that misinformation isn't spewed out of the many who come on here and post once or twice pulling their sources from rumors made by other people who come on here and post once or twice a month.
I am all for people trying to make things happen, all I am saying is your poll will do more harm than good. You do not understand that there are people who will spam the crap out of that vote for Crypto Trade. No one wants to be on Crypto Trade though. The Poll is rigged. There is no purpose for it either as Ken will not take any advice from it, (and if he does then that would show incompetence as I am sure he is very familiar with this particular troll who gets his rocks off spamming Pony Pictures and Shakespearean X Bullshit phrases over and over to prove his illogical points on his many many alternate accounts).
@Ken - Can we get an update on the 28nm chip situation? (I'm don't think has been answered before) Have these been cancelled? If not when do you expect to have the specifications on these chips/have samples? (Off the "KEN SAID XX/XX/XXXX, I'M FOAMING AT THE MOUTH AS I TYPE THIS" record book)
Also, a share update on Wednesday would be extremely lovely as that seems to be the last hurdle to gain back pretty much all of the shareholder's trust (at least the ones making themselves known in this thread).
Activity: 38
Merit: 0
April 15, 2014, 09:02:29 AM |
Some random info: ActM currently have 32.97 TH/s, and global hash rate is: 55.67 PH/s. That means that ActM have: ~0.06% of the total hash rate.
If ActM increase its hash rate 17 times (assuming global hash rate is the same), they will reach 1%.
April 15, 2014, 09:40:34 AM |
At this point I couldn't care less what Ken can do with ActM, the share issue is long past a joke. He has proven to be a compulsive liar. If we do not start verifying shares on this Wednesdays update I propose we start looking at formal action. Even if ActM was mining 30% of TNHR it wont matter because we have no shares!!!!!!!!!
Simon Templar
Activity: 42
Merit: 0
April 15, 2014, 09:54:11 AM |
I agree entirely and the poll I created was an attempt to expedite the result shareholders deserve. I am in total agreement that we take formal proceedings unless the CEO gives us back our shares. Enough is enough and I am more than prepared to seek legal advice. Ken, please sort this out immediately to prevent a potentially damaging episode. This can not be allowed to continue.
April 15, 2014, 10:04:29 AM |
Have anyone else , except Bargraphics , received their Prospector Boards ?
I converted my November Paid Pre-Order to Prospector boards 12 days back . Its been showing ''Shipped'' Since 2 days , But i have not been provided with any tracking number .
What is the status Ken , Please provide the tracking info .
You should be able to contact customer service with issues like these. I'd be curious to hear how easy it is for customers to get in touch with VMC through the proper channels. Could you try and report back? I have ask the project manager to have the staff enter the tracking information into the shopping cart. Guys , I have finally received the tracking number , and it shows ''Picked Up'' . I got a bit confused as i thought it to be a DHL shipping , But i read it here , that ken stated FED-Ex guys will be picking it up . So , i tried the tracking number on Fed-Ex page , It worked  I appreciate it Ken , Sorry to bug you with tons of messages :p
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April 15, 2014, 10:08:45 AM |
I agree entirely and the poll I created was an attempt to expedite the result shareholders deserve. I am in total agreement that we take formal proceedings unless the CEO gives us back our shares. Enough is enough and I am more than prepared to seek legal advice. Ken, please sort this out immediately to prevent a potentially damaging episode. This can not be allowed to continue.
We had a poll months ago and nothing materialised. Ken needs to get his finger out his arse and get us trading on any viable platform.
April 15, 2014, 10:24:54 AM |
Still at 33Th . . . what is the hold up if we now have boards, chips and A/C?
April 15, 2014, 10:38:58 AM |
So Kens profile says that he was last online Today at 03:10:32 AM.
Since he was here why not tell us what went wrong with getting the share transfer up and running. Any sort of explanation would be nice. If he was busy with other things, then he should tell us what unexpected thing happened that he had to tend to. But repeatedly telling us he's going to do something, and then just not doing it makes him look like a fool.
Simon Templar
Activity: 42
Merit: 0
April 15, 2014, 10:54:32 AM Last edit: April 15, 2014, 11:18:45 AM by Simon Templar |
Harsh but fair. Why does he allow this negative sentiment to fester when all he needs to do is get on here and tell us what the heck is going on with our shares? Weekly Update 4/2/2014
Next week I will start transferring shares to CT so our investors can start trading.
Feck this. He's had plenty of opportunity. PM me if you're in the States and I'll get the ball rolling. I will be updating this thread throughout the process starting with my letter to lawyers detailing the deception. I'm no lawyer myself but it's pretty clear that we have a case. There you go Ken, another irate shareholder ready to seek legal advice when all I want to do is support ActiveMining. Nice work bud.
Activity: 1176
Merit: 1015
April 15, 2014, 11:26:53 AM |
The share situation is now becoming the central focus of the shareholders. The situation is simple: Ken is not transparent running the company, we have no idea about our own ASIC, what happened to eASIC and so on... However, this would not be such a terrible thing if we're trading. Because then we all have a choice to trust in Ken without any information or leave. But, because Ken continues to not release our shares onto Havelock this situation is going to start escalating in a bad way fast. KenI would argue that you might be able to get away with either of the two following configurations: - Trading allowed but company transparency minimal.
- Trading disallowed but you're 100% upfront about everything ever and we are told the entire story and have a say in our future.
However the current situation is neither and it's the worst of both worlds: - Trading disallowed and no transparency.
You really need to pivot one way or the other, but keeping us in the dark and keeping the trade block on is not acceptable.
April 15, 2014, 11:27:49 AM |
These created crises are really getting tiresome. So you are going to court over the shares now? Yeah let's threaten the CEO with court - way to go!!  The CEO is out east setting up a data centre to make you money. Why don't some of you try setting up a data centre of the size we are and see how much spare time it leaves you. You don't think things can crop up? Please get a hobby you people. If he can't get the shares sorted out because he's busy setting up the data centre then why not say "can't do share this week because I'm setting up the data centre" The problem isn't just that he isn't doing it. It's that he's saying it's his top priority and then not doing it.
Activity: 1176
Merit: 1015
April 15, 2014, 11:28:42 AM |
These created crises are really getting tiresome.
The tiresome thing is that Ken has said share verification and trading is around the corner for six months now. That is tiresome.
Simon Templar
Activity: 42
Merit: 0
April 15, 2014, 11:29:45 AM |
StuartUK, do not ridicule people just because you disagree. I, like many others here, are genuinely at a loss as to what to do to get our shares back. When there is nothing left, what else is there but legal options? No one is crying and it's grossly unfair for you to belittle people in this way. Ken has lied and lied and lied. The evidence is clear. He has no defence at all. Being busy working 'out East' means nothing. If he can't keep the plates spinning then he's either incompetent or he's incompetent. Shares, Data Center, Website, Development, Customers, Advertising, Sales.., see all of these as spinning plates and you tell me if they all spin at the same time of if they keep dropping to the floor and smashing. You get the picture. Now let people express themselves and butt out!
Simon Templar
Activity: 42
Merit: 0
April 15, 2014, 11:38:59 AM |
You just don't get it do you? This data center could be operating at 10 PH and it would mean nothing for us. Not until we get our shares. But how can we ever expect to get our shares back when the only person who can make it happen is saying one thing and doing another? This will go on and on, trust me. There is something seriously amiss and I'm calling it right here.
I reckon he knows something bad and doesn't have the nerve to break it to us. Investment hopes shattered once again. Someone get me off this roller coaster from hell.
Activity: 1176
Merit: 1015
April 15, 2014, 12:39:18 PM |
Have a look at the volume on Havelock. With about 400 bitcoin per day it would allow us a lot of opportunity to move shares/divest/etc... Also have a look at the yield on ASICMINER, it's not very good at all. of course this will go up once Gen 3 goes online but my point is this: People are desperate to get a decent return. If that is the case then lets have a little thought experiment. If Ken gets 1% of the network, and we take 50% for reinvestment and ignore all hardware sales, a share at 0.0025 will be at 30% yield per year. Think about that. A mining company on a high volume exchange that should at least be able to offer between 5% and 50% yield on a share price of 0.0025. I can't see that same money flowing to the unknown exchange CryptoTrade and if Ken gets the 5,000 boards online, we want to be able to trade at that point. Fully working CC will be months AFTER we get those boards online and we'll miss that opportunity. 
Activity: 1176
Merit: 1015
April 15, 2014, 12:45:27 PM |
Regarding the pre-order money issues, here is my analysis:
Ken held all the preorders on Gox and lost the whole lot. Ken also sold a lot bitcoin for the hashfast deal and also money lost to eASIC and Peoples ASIC.
Magzy, that is why I said you will start getting pre-order money returned once we get the farm up and running. I assume Ken will repay customers using the mining dividends.
I agree with many here that something is amiss with the entire situation. I was expecting the bankruptcy post to come in the last few months but was pleasantly surprised when we instead had about 2-4PH/s on the way.
If we are heading towards certain failure, restriction of the share trading makes perfect sense so that the company doesn't take on more new shareholders that may have funds to sue back once it all falls over.
I still hope this isn't the case.
My dream is that Ken gets 4,000THs online within 3 months and announces that we have either bought the hashfast ASIC IP or we finally have our own ready to go just a month or so away.
I am hoping by September we maintain 5% of the network using our own ASIC.
That is my dream.
ActM Thread (OP)

Activity: 70
Merit: 10
April 15, 2014, 01:22:15 PM |
If your post was deleted it was for one of the following reasons.
Spam Post (One word replies, offering zero contribution to discussion, or creating duplicate posts) Troll Post (You were a troll in the past and asked not to post here) Causing Issues (Attacking people that have questions and offering zero contribution to discussion)
Please refrain from attacking those that have concerns in this thread. If you do not like their questions then offer an alternative or try to help them in some way.
Thank you for your understanding.
April 15, 2014, 02:06:01 PM |
One thing is for sure the delay is not because he is adding more Th's to the datacentre, we are locked at 33Th despite being told that everything was being wired up so it was just a flick of the switch required when the A/C came online. The A/C came online on Friday it is now Tuesday . . .
Starting to get the feeling that all the promise of the last couple of weeks is about to fizzle out, would be really sad to see that after what seemed like such a promising turn around.
April 15, 2014, 02:21:08 PM |
I have to say that I too agree with the sentiment of going with Havelock if we go ahead and publicly list. There is much more volume there vs CT, and they also have an air of legitimacy, whereas CT still seems a bit shady to me. Then again, going with any centralized model is playing with fire at this point. Fact is, there are plenty of Colored Coin alts that are already out in the wild, and I honestly do not understand why we aren't considering any of them.
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