Does anyone here remember the late 90's LAN/networked computer shareware tank game called Bolo? It was AWESOME
Well, I believe it's basically open source, some people still work on it. I wonder if it would be possible to produce a version of it integrated with a Bitcoin wagering system. The idea would be you'd have to put Bitcoins in to play in a session, and the winners would win the Bitcoins as the game progressed. Take over a base, win a bitcoin from the person who owned it prior, etc.
There is a GitHub version here: could even be set up as a for-profit venture, with the site owners getting 5% of each played game or something. A tablet/ipad implementation would be badass as well.
Would something like that be easy or extremely difficult to produce? I'm not a programmer so I have no idea... but I was fantasizing about it in the shower