Stakes given complete. If you think you have received less stakes or not received stake by mistake then contact me on telegram or bitcointalk within 14th August. Sorry but I will not be able to update stakes after 14th August. And who has still not given their gpunion (GUT) wallet id please give via telegram PM or bitcointalk DM. Other wise you payment can be processed.
Project ended that's why I am locking the thread to calculate stakes properly. If you have any question or opinion then pm me on bitcointalk.
Note: If you have not yet provided GUT wallet Id then message me your GUT wallet id.
Computing Power Ecosystem | Stop mining for nothing!
Dear Bounty Participant, we are announcing a bounty program from today and it will run for 4 weeks. We have decided to pay 1M GUT Coin to our bounty participant.
How to create GPUnion wallet address? Just go to
Wallets/Github then download appropriate version of you. If still any question then ask us on Telegram.
Bounty Related Question: Official Bounty Campaign
Bounty Allocation:
Translation= 15%
Article/content= 15%
General Terms:
1. All participant must Join our
Telegram Group2. Bounty campaign will run for 4 weeks Only
3. You must report within according to mentioned time. Report Except that time will not be checked.
Week 1 (10.07-16.07) Report Time 15.07-17.07
Week 2 (17.07-23.07) Report Time 22.07-24.07
Week 3 (24.07-30.07) Report Time 29.07-31.07
Week 4 (31.07-06.08) Report Time 05.08-07.08
4. If you can’t report a week within the report time mean you will not be eligible for that week.
5. Stakes will be given before ending the next week. And coin will be paid within 30 days after bounty completion.
6. Multiple account strictly prohibited. Do not use multiple account or farm account.
7. We have right to disqualify any participant without any notice if we see unusual activity (cheating, spamming etc)
8. Project owner or bounty manager can change any rules at anytime.
9. Bounty manager is not liable for the bounty payment. It will be given from the side of Project owner/team
10. Proof of Authentication
Proof of Authentication
Campaign Name. Eg: Twitter Campaign
1. You must like our
Facebook Page.2. You must have at least 200 friends to join this campaign.
3. For more than 1000 friends you will receive 50% additional Stakes.
4. Maximum 5 shares and 3 post per week. More than 1 share per day not allow.
5. 2 Stakes per share and 4 stakes per post.
6. You are not allowed to share more than 5 days old post..
7. Join Facebook Campaign
Here.8. Check your status
You must Follow our
Twitter Page.You must have at least 200 real follower to join this campaign.
For more than 1000 Followers you will receive 50% additional Stakes.
Maximum 5 retweet and 3 tweet per week. No more than 1 tweet/retweet per day.
2 Stake per retweet and 4 stakes per tweet.
You are not allowed to share more than 5 days old post.
Twitter audit score should be minimum 85%
Join Twitter Campaign
Here.Check your status
1. You must join our
Discord Channel.2. You must stay here until bounty ended and stakes calculated.
3. To join on discord channel you will get 5 stakes.
4. If someone join by your invite link then you will receive 2 stakes per invite.
5. Spamming, advertising and using bad words in the group is strictly prohibited.
Join Discord Campaign
Here.Check your status
Here.Telegram Campaign: 10%
You must join our
Telegram groupYou must stay on our chanel until campaign end.
By joining on our channel you will receive 1 stakes. Active users on group will receive 2 additional stakes per week.
Spamming, advertising and using bad words in the group is strictly prohibited.
Join Telegram Campaign
Here.Check your status
Here.Article/content= 15%
Payment will be base on its quality.
* High Quality = 2500 coin
* Good Quality = 1500 coin
* Normal Quality = 1000 Coin
Repost= 500 Coin
1. Blog should have at least 200 words and topics should be relevant of GPUnion to be approved.
2. The content of the blog should be unique/original to be approved.
3. Posting in wrong section, deleted post by moderators and spamming is strictly prohibited and will not be accepted.
4. Each participant is allowed to create/submit a maximum of 8 unique publications.
5. Reposting unique publications to another platform will earn you additional 500 COin. (Only 1 repost per article is allowed)
6. Submit your publications
Here.7. Check your status
Here.Video Campaign=17%
1. State you name, nationality and field of work.
2. Say something about how GPUnion is helping the GPUnion community. Videos should be relevant and related to GPUnion (Team, white paper, bounty, Airdrop, roadmap etc.) to be approved
3. Post Video on YouTube.
4. We have right to use selected videos
5. Accepted Videos will receive 5000 coin.
6. Submit your publications
Here.7. Check your status
Here.Translation and Moderation= 15%
1.Use of any translation tool not allow.
2. You must Post and keep active our announcement on your local board and telegram Group by posting update and translation.
3. Spamming is strictly prohibited.
4. Stakes:
Ann Thread Translation= 2500 Coin
Whitepaper Translation=7500 Coin.
5. You must post translate and translate ann thread within 3 days of application Accepted.
6. Don't start work before accept your application.
7. Join Translation Campaign
Here.8. Check your status