Activity: 17
Merit: 0
February 16, 2021, 09:36:15 PM |
The PCIE x16 method works - i am getting 25-26mh/s , which is x3 time more than regular.
I am just wondering , anyone knows how long will this last ? Should we expect lowering of the Hash in the following month or it can be more ? How can we calculate it ?
Cheers and thanks for the great work.
Calculates from BTC Talk user: Miner29 Dag 393 = 27mh/s Dag 400 = 21-22mh/s Dag 405 = 14mh/s Dag 415 = 5-6mh/s
Activity: 5
Merit: 0
February 17, 2021, 01:02:09 AM Last edit: February 17, 2021, 03:17:42 AM by krokodilus |
Hi All!
I tried Lolminer with rx 480 4GB in x16 slot, I got only 1.5/2.0Mhs either on windows, and Open Suse. On HiveOs is can get between 10-15, it still weak numbers, but much better. 8Gb Cards works good. Why I cant get this number on windows, or an other linux based system? Can somebody help what I do wrong? Thanks for the help.
Activity: 9
Merit: 0
February 17, 2021, 04:16:38 PM |
Hi All!
I tried Lolminer with rx 480 4GB in x16 slot, I got only 1.5/2.0Mhs either on windows, and Open Suse. On HiveOs is can get between 10-15, it still weak numbers, but much better. 8Gb Cards works good. Why I cant get this number on windows, or an other linux based system? Can somebody help what I do wrong? Thanks for the help.
Its normal because linux uses less recurses on the hardware, windows use background memory on each GPU and thats why it stop work there in resumen.

Activity: 639
Merit: 19
February 17, 2021, 08:17:41 PM |
Hi All!
I tried Lolminer with rx 480 4GB in x16 slot, I got only 1.5/2.0Mhs either on windows, and Open Suse. On HiveOs is can get between 10-15, it still weak numbers, but much better. 8Gb Cards works good. Why I cant get this number on windows, or an other linux based system? Can somebody help what I do wrong? Thanks for the help.
Sometimes depent on the drivers that you are using... one of the best are the 20.40 ... also depending on the free memory you have... or if you are using the intel GPU to leave more free memory, and of course the value --4g-alloc-size that you put.
Activity: 5
Merit: 0
February 18, 2021, 05:09:57 AM |
I achieved 20 Mhs with x4, and 24.4 mhs in x8 gen3, on Opensuse and Xfce combo. Thanks for help, these are usable numbers now! 
Sr. Member
Activity: 2142
Merit: 353
Xtreme Monster
February 18, 2021, 06:57:11 AM |
Anyway you can add this feature too? Teamredminer added it recently. --api_listen=IP:PORT Enables the sgminer compatible api. IP:PORT is optional. If present, the IP:PORT combo decides the interface(s) and port to listen to. Default is For external access, use e.g. It's also valid to only specify the port, e.g. 4029. --cm_api_listen=IP:PORT Enables the claymore compatible api. IP:PORT is optional. If present, the IP:PORT combo decides the interface(s) and port to listen to. Default is For external access, use e.g. It's also valid to only specify the port, e.g. 3334. --cm_api_password=PSW Sets the required password for the CM compatible api interface.
When I add --apihost --apiport 4444 or --apihost --apiport 4444, neither works with claymore manager. With teamredminer, when I add --cm_api_listen, it works with claymore manager.
BTC Address: 1DH4ok85VdFAe47fSVXNVctxkFhUv4ujbR

Activity: 639
Merit: 19
February 18, 2021, 01:04:27 PM |
Anyway you can add this feature too? Teamredminer added it recently. --api_listen=IP:PORT Enables the sgminer compatible api. IP:PORT is optional. If present, the IP:PORT combo decides the interface(s) and port to listen to. Default is For external access, use e.g. It's also valid to only specify the port, e.g. 4029. --cm_api_listen=IP:PORT Enables the claymore compatible api. IP:PORT is optional. If present, the IP:PORT combo decides the interface(s) and port to listen to. Default is For external access, use e.g. It's also valid to only specify the port, e.g. 3334. --cm_api_password=PSW Sets the required password for the CM compatible api interface.
When I add --apihost --apiport 4444 or --apihost --apiport 4444, neither works with claymore manager. With teamredminer, when I add --cm_api_listen, it works with claymore manager. I think is not implemented yet the crontol of Claymore with lolMiner
Activity: 14
Merit: 0
February 18, 2021, 04:47:19 PM |
The PCIE x16 method works - i am getting 25-26mh/s , which is x3 time more than regular.
I am just wondering , anyone knows how long will this last ? Should we expect lowering of the Hash in the following month or it can be more ? How can we calculate it ?
Cheers and thanks for the great work.
Calculates from BTC Talk user: Miner29 Dag 393 = 27mh/s Dag 400 = 21-22mh/s Dag 405 = 14mh/s Dag 415 = 5-6mh/s i think this calculation is wrong becouse right now dag 396 and i still have 28 mh/s at pcix16 gen3 while at pcix1 gen 2 it was 13mhs at dag 395 and right now at dag 369 i have 12 mhs
Activity: 14
Merit: 0
February 18, 2021, 05:23:12 PM |
Hi All!
I tried Lolminer with rx 480 4GB in x16 slot, I got only 1.5/2.0Mhs either on windows, and Open Suse. On HiveOs is can get between 10-15, it still weak numbers, but much better. 8Gb Cards works good. Why I cant get this number on windows, or an other linux based system? Can somebody help what I do wrong? Thanks for the help.
at linux after miner start you need to look at free mem at gpu: amd-info 0 PCIE Link speed: GEN3 (8.0GT/s), PCIE Link width: x16 Memory total: 4096.00 MB, used: 4094.73 MB, free: 1.27 MB i have issue at rx480 and 3 pcie x16 gen2 8-8-4 when lolminer after start can't full load current dag file to memory, after that memory stat looks like this: Memory total: 4096.00 MB, used: 2050 MB, free: 2050 MB Don't know why.. If i add another rx480 than 1 card also have same free mem, but 2nd card have 1.27 free and work correct. At this motherboard i don't have integrated videocard. Its seems like somehow it's uses resources of integrated card...

Activity: 639
Merit: 19
February 18, 2021, 06:36:11 PM |
Hi All!
I tried Lolminer with rx 480 4GB in x16 slot, I got only 1.5/2.0Mhs either on windows, and Open Suse. On HiveOs is can get between 10-15, it still weak numbers, but much better. 8Gb Cards works good. Why I cant get this number on windows, or an other linux based system? Can somebody help what I do wrong? Thanks for the help.
at linux after miner start you need to look at free mem at gpu: amd-info 0 PCIE Link speed: GEN3 (8.0GT/s), PCIE Link width: x16 Memory total: 4096.00 MB, used: 4094.73 MB, free: 1.27 MB i have issue at rx480 and 3 pcie x16 gen2 8-8-4 when lolminer after start can't full load current dag file to memory, after that memory stat looks like this: Memory total: 4096.00 MB, used: 2050 MB, free: 2050 MB Don't know why.. If i add another rx480 than 1 card also have same free mem, but 2nd card have 1.27 free and work correct. At this motherboard i don't have integrated videocard. Its seems like somehow it's uses resources of integrated card... If you have a Intel CPU try to use his GPU as primary, so that will complete leave all memory on the cards. I hope that help you to make it run easier...
Activity: 25
Merit: 0
February 18, 2021, 09:56:22 PM |
Hello, I have rx580 4b I use simplemining, can someone help me with the Miner OPTIONS line, what version of lolminer do I have to use? thx

Activity: 639
Merit: 19
February 19, 2021, 08:45:13 AM |
Hello, I have rx580 4b I use simplemining, can someone help me with the Miner OPTIONS line, what version of lolminer do I have to use? thx
Hi you should write it like this: --algo ETHASH --pool $POOL --user $WALLET --pass x --apiport 4444 --4g-alloc-size 4080 Try first with 4080 if it hang ups in dag generation reduce by steps of 2 until if works ... 4078,4076,4074, ... You should change $POOL and $WALLET by your wallet... in case you use a SSL Connection add also the parameter --tls on
Activity: 14
Merit: 0
February 19, 2021, 09:50:42 AM |
If you have a Intel CPU try to use his GPU as primary, so that will complete leave all memory on the cards. I hope that help you to make it run easier...
Its really matter which processor? I have AMD cpu on this mother board and don't have integrated videocard. I mean it can be an AMD cpu with integrated video and INTEL cpu with integrated video.. what the difference ?

Activity: 639
Merit: 19
February 19, 2021, 02:33:13 PM |
If you have a Intel CPU try to use his GPU as primary, so that will complete leave all memory on the cards. I hope that help you to make it run easier...
Its really matter which processor? I have AMD cpu on this mother board and don't have integrated videocard. I mean it can be an AMD cpu with integrated video and INTEL cpu with integrated video.. what the difference ? If you use the integrated GPU of the CPU you are leaving more free space in the 4Gb Card... all Megabyte is need to have the max value of the 4g-alloc-size. So if the primary is the integradeted GPU that leaves full space for the 4Gb... you still need the zombie mode but with more space in the memory of the 4Gb that will make more Mhs...
Activity: 25
Merit: 0
February 19, 2021, 05:34:51 PM |
Hello, I have rx580 4b I use simplemining, can someone help me with the Miner OPTIONS line, what version of lolminer do I have to use? thx
Hi you should write it like this: --algo ETHASH --pool $POOL --user $WALLET --pass x --apiport 4444 --4g-alloc-size 4080 Try first with 4080 if it hang ups in dag generation reduce by steps of 2 until if works ... 4078,4076,4074, ... You should change $POOL and $WALLET by your wallet... in case you use a SSL Connection add also the parameter --tls on Thx, use rxboost -i 30?
Activity: 3
Merit: 1
February 19, 2021, 06:04:33 PM |
Hey, I'm new to mining and lolMiner. Looking for some assistance. So I got the cortex bat setup but I get the [Active: false (OpenCL init failure: Memory object allocation failure)] error on both my gpus. I tried increasing the virtual memory to 16GB and then 32GB but that didn't work. Any help is appreciated.
+---------------------------------------------------------+ | _ _ __ __ _ _ ____ _ | | | | ___ | | \/ (_)_ __ ___ _ __ / | |___ \/ | | | | |/ _ \| | |\/| | | '_ \ / _ \ '__| | | __) | | | | | | (_) | | | | | | | | | __/ | | |_ / __/| | | | |_|\___/|_|_| |_|_|_| |_|\___|_| |_(_)_____|_| | | | | This software is for mining | | Ethash, Etchash | | Equihash 144/5, 192/7, 210/9 | | BeamHash I, II, III | | ZelHash (EquihashR 125/4/0) | | Cuck(ar)oo 29 | | Cuckaroo 30 CTX | | Cuckatoo 31/32 | | | | | | Made by Lolliedieb, February 2021 | +---------------------------------------------------------+
Setup Miner... Device 0: Name: GeForce RTX 2080 Address: 1:0 Vendor: NVIDIA Corporation Memory: 8192 MByte Active: false (OpenCL init failure: Memory object allocation failure) Device 1: Name: GeForce GTX 1080 Address: 2:0 Vendor: NVIDIA Corporation Memory: 8192 MByte Active: false (OpenCL init failure: Memory object allocation failure)
Connecting to pool... Connected to (TLS disabled) Authorized worker: **************************************** New job received: 9eac79e2 Target: 80000000 Start Mining... All devices deselected or failed compatiblity check. Closing lolMiner
Activity: 1
Merit: 0
February 19, 2021, 08:13:16 PM |
Statistics (22:06:28); Mining: Ethash Connected to: Uptime: 0h 5m 2s GPU 0 GPU 1 Total Speed (mh/s): 26.33 5.49 31.82 Pool (mh/s): 13.25 0.00 13.25 Best Share: 31.0G 0.0 31.0G Shares (A/S/Hw): 1/0/0 0/0/0 1/0/0 Power (W): 101.7 86.0 187.7 Efficiency (mh/s/W): 0.258 0.063 0.170 Temp (deg C): 49 42 Fan Speed (%): 60 60 --------------------------------------------- Average speed (10s): 27.39mh/s | 0.00mh/s Total: 27.39 mh/s New job received: 0xd4a553 Epoch: 396 Target: 0000000112e0be82 New job received: 0xbdd60b Epoch: 396 Target: 0000000112e0be82 New job received: 0x2efba6 Epoch: 396 Target: 0000000112e0be82 New job received: 0xb3b0bb Epoch: 396 Target: 0000000112e0be82 Average speed (10s): 27.48mh/s | 0.00mh/s Total: 27.48 mh/s New job received: 0x99b0c9 Epoch: 396 Target: 0000000112e0be82 New job received: 0x8d7a8c Epoch: 396 Target: 0000000112e0be82 New job received: 0xca4e6f Epoch: 396 Target: 0000000112e0be82 New job received: 0xcda591 Epoch: 396 Target: 0000000112e0be82 Average speed (10s): 27.56mh/s | 0.00mh/s Total: 27.56 mh/s New job received: 0x6c9729 Epoch: 396 Target: 0000000112e0be82 New job received: 0x0203e9 Epoch: 396 Target: 0000000112e0be82 New job received: 0x7ee8cb Epoch: 396 Target: 0000000112e0be82 New job received: 0x635f5c Epoch: 396 Target: 0000000112e0be82 Average speed (10s): 27.68mh/s | 0.00mh/s Total: 27.68 mh/s New job received: 0x42a764 Epoch: 396 Target: 0000000112e0be82 New job received: 0xcbe2d1 Epoch: 396 Target: 0000000112e0be82 Average speed (10s): 27.80mh/s | 0.00mh/s Total: 27.80 mh/s New job received: 0x9e9734 Epoch: 396 Target: 0000000112e0be82 Device 1 detected as crashed. Closing miner and trying to call external script: ./ (--watchdog script)
wtf crashed 1 st card Saphire nitro + 4gb. 2nd card Saphire pusle mini itx rx570 ((( fookin crashed always, before 2 days working good
Activity: 1
Merit: 0
February 19, 2021, 09:25:35 PM |
The PCIE x16 method works - i am getting 25-26mh/s , which is x3 time more than regular.
I am just wondering , anyone knows how long will this last ? Should we expect lowering of the Hash in the following month or it can be more ? How can we calculate it ?
Cheers and thanks for the great work.
Calculates from BTC Talk user: Miner29 Dag 393 = 27mh/s Dag 400 = 21-22mh/s Dag 405 = 14mh/s Dag 415 = 5-6mh/s i think this calculation is wrong becouse right now dag 396 and i still have 28 mh/s at pcix16 gen3 while at pcix1 gen 2 it was 13mhs at dag 395 and right now at dag 369 i have 12 mhs And if i put more ram to the mobo? 8 or 16gb?
Activity: 14
Merit: 0
February 20, 2021, 05:31:22 AM |
And if i put more ram to the mobo? 8 or 16gb?
Ram size right now dosn't matter. I have only 4Gb at my motherboard with 13 gpus and all works fine. 1 works in zombie mode 1x16 27Mh/s other have 8gb onboard.

Activity: 639
Merit: 19
February 20, 2021, 07:09:02 AM |
The PCIE x16 method works - i am getting 25-26mh/s , which is x3 time more than regular.
I am just wondering , anyone knows how long will this last ? Should we expect lowering of the Hash in the following month or it can be more ? How can we calculate it ?
Cheers and thanks for the great work.
Calculates from BTC Talk user: Miner29 Dag 393 = 27mh/s Dag 400 = 21-22mh/s Dag 405 = 14mh/s Dag 415 = 5-6mh/s i think this calculation is wrong becouse right now dag 396 and i still have 28 mh/s at pcix16 gen3 while at pcix1 gen 2 it was 13mhs at dag 395 and right now at dag 369 i have 12 mhs And if i put more ram to the mobo? 8 or 16gb? As the colleague said... RAM is not the bottleneck. You should focus on getting GEN3 x maximum lines...