February 06, 2022, 12:15:20 AM |
Okay a different question now. While running the ETH+TON .bat on a W10 pc with nvidia GPUs(using 1.43) I'm facing a different problem. The script starts normally, then as soon as it displays the hashrate for the first time, it crashes. I tried fiddling with it, removing the parameter "setlocal enableDelayedExpansion" from the start of the script seemed to fix it at first. But after a few minutes of seeming normal use, the program crashed again. I'm using 470.05 drivers. Any idea how to fix this?
Activity: 5
Merit: 0
February 06, 2022, 12:27:39 AM |
Can't run dual mining. Ends with this error: GPU 0: Starting DAG generation (normal mode) GPU 0: DAG build complete 16% GPU 0: DAG build complete 32% Ton job with difficulty 274.88G and giver WALLET received. GPU 0: DAG build complete 48% GPU 0: DAG build complete 64% GPU 0: DAG build complete 80% New job received: 0xbcef3a Epoch: 471 Difficulty: 8.73G Ton pool connection mode: https job polling (ton-miner compatible) (--ton-mode 1) GPU 0: DAG build complete 96% GPU 0: DAG generation completed (4250 ms) GPU 0: DAG verification passed DNS over HTTPS resolve succeeded Для пpoдoлжeния нaжмитe любyю клaвишy . . .
Before it had some problems w/ DAG files, it had defected segments

Activity: 1559
Merit: 69
February 06, 2022, 04:46:06 AM |
Is there any way to mine ETH+TON+ZIL? It should be possible using pools that autoswitch from ETH to ZIL but is there any way to configure different pools in the miner and have it do the switch?
Yes it is possible: --algo ETHASH --pool --user "eth-wallet" --pass "zil-wallet" --enablezilcache --dualmode TONDUAL --dualpool --dualuser "ton-wallet" But the problem is that caching the zil dag (--enablezilcache) not working at the moment, so it creates the zil dag and eth new on every switch. The same is possible with T-Rex miner to mine ETH+ZIL+ALPH

Activity: 639
Merit: 19
February 06, 2022, 04:31:14 PM Last edit: February 06, 2022, 08:27:32 PM by mprep |
Can't run dual mining. Ends with this error: GPU 0: Starting DAG generation (normal mode) GPU 0: DAG build complete 16% GPU 0: DAG build complete 32% Ton job with difficulty 274.88G and giver WALLET received. GPU 0: DAG build complete 48% GPU 0: DAG build complete 64% GPU 0: DAG build complete 80% New job received: 0xbcef3a Epoch: 471 Difficulty: 8.73G Ton pool connection mode: https job polling (ton-miner compatible) (--ton-mode 1) GPU 0: DAG build complete 96% GPU 0: DAG generation completed (4250 ms) GPU 0: DAG verification passed DNS over HTTPS resolve succeeded Для пpoдoлжeния нaжмитe любyю клaвишy . . .
Before it had some problems w/ DAG files, it had defected segments
Yes, just only use another pool like or, that is the big problem, the block of cloudfare from
yes, there is. Probably --maxdualimpact *,0,0
where * mean exclude, and 0,0 mean default value
--dualdevices didn't work and it will not as stated here:
Use --dualmode TONDUAL in order to activate this mode.
The parameter --dualdevices is meaningless for this mode.
Not 100 % sure but ...
or wait for Jgonzi...
I will try it and will inform you if it worked. One thing I forgot to mention is I am using HiveOS, so I don't know if something should be different. EDIT: I circumvented the problem by just using another miner for the first card, either way thanks for the help. It has been uploaded a new bat file, because the mine eth ton from the zip file it doesn't read the EXTRAPARAMETERS [moderator's note: consecutive posts merged]
February 06, 2022, 10:23:21 PM Last edit: February 07, 2022, 01:20:43 AM by ccplz |
Can't run dual mining. Ends with this error: GPU 0: Starting DAG generation (normal mode) GPU 0: DAG build complete 16% GPU 0: DAG build complete 32% Ton job with difficulty 274.88G and giver WALLET received. GPU 0: DAG build complete 48% GPU 0: DAG build complete 64% GPU 0: DAG build complete 80% New job received: 0xbcef3a Epoch: 471 Difficulty: 8.73G Ton pool connection mode: https job polling (ton-miner compatible) (--ton-mode 1) GPU 0: DAG build complete 96% GPU 0: DAG generation completed (4250 ms) GPU 0: DAG verification passed DNS over HTTPS resolve succeeded Для пpoдoлжeния нaжмитe любyю клaвишy . . .
Before it had some problems w/ DAG files, it had defected segments
Yes, just only use another pool like or, that is the big problem, the block of cloudfare from
yes, there is. Probably --maxdualimpact *,0,0
where * mean exclude, and 0,0 mean default value
--dualdevices didn't work and it will not as stated here:
Use --dualmode TONDUAL in order to activate this mode.
The parameter --dualdevices is meaningless for this mode.
Not 100 % sure but ...
or wait for Jgonzi...
I will try it and will inform you if it worked. One thing I forgot to mention is I am using HiveOS, so I don't know if something should be different. EDIT: I circumvented the problem by just using another miner for the first card, either way thanks for the help. It has been uploaded a new bat file, because the mine eth ton from the zip file it doesn't read the EXTRAPARAMETERS [moderator's note: consecutive posts merged]Using the new bat file and a different pool worked. Thanks One more question. I have 2x 3060 v1 and the ton mining speed fluctuates wildly while the eth mining speed stays stable(46-48 mh/s) while dual mining. At one point both the cards were getting 750 mh/s. After a while I checked again, the one card was pulling off 750 mh/s and the second was at like 100mh/s. After restarting the first one was at like 150 and the second one was at 350. It's completely random but I can't get them back to 750mh/s each. Using 470.05 drivers. Temps seem normal(about 65 each), and OC settings are the same for each card(+0 core clock/voltage, +1100 memory clock, 74% power limit). Any ideas what could be the issue? EDIT: Fixed by setting core clock to 1400 in the miner. Windows was forcing higher core clocks(~1650) on the cards for some reason(even when idle) and that was causing the cards to underperform in TON. Card seems to hate those high core clock settings
Ngenah Euy
Jr. Member
Activity: 207
Merit: 5
February 07, 2022, 12:29:01 AM Last edit: February 07, 2022, 12:39:07 AM by Ngenah Euy |
i got this error when mine eth+ton on https://server1.whalestonpool.comTon job with difficulty 274.88G and giver Ef8JfFUEJhhpRW80_jqD7zzQteH6EBHOzxiOhygRhBdt44YH received. New job received: 0xcbbf1f Epoch: 471 Difficulty: 10.00G Ton pool connection mode: https job polling (ton-miner compatible) (--ton-mode 1) DNS over HTTPS resolve succeeded 0x00007FF67A93B120 (0x0000021CC767F9D0 0x00007FF9F6BFEF7E 0x000000923D6FE408 0x0000000000027BD0) 0x00007FF67A93C88E (0x0000021CC767F9D0 0x0000000000000000 0x0000000000027C0C 0xFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFF) 0x00007FF67A943EEB (0x0000021CC767F9D0 0x0000000000000000 0x0000000000040AEA 0x0000000000000000) 0x00007FF67A940AE9 (0x0000021CC767F9D0 0x0000021CC767F9D0 0x000000923D6FE519 0x0000021CC767F9D0) 0x00007FF67A92722E (0x0000021C85BDDBF0 0x000000923D6FE5C0 0x0000000000000000 0x0000021CC767F901) 0x00007FF67A925F40 (0x0000021C85BDDBF0 0x0000021C00000006 0x0000000000000000 0x0000021CC76CE6F8) 0x00007FF67A9224F3 (0x0000000000000000 0x0000000000002711 0x00000000003128DA 0x0000021CC76CE6F8) 0x00007FF67A8E98B5 (0x0000000000000000 0x0000021CBDB13E20 0x0000000000000000 0x0000000000000000) 0x00007FF67A6A32AF (0x0000021CBD79FEE0 0x0000000000000000 0x0000000000000000 0x0000000000000000) 0x00007FF67AAD14B8 (0x0000000000000000 0x0000000000000000 0x0000000000000000 0x0000000000000000) 0x00007FF9F9A41FE4 (0x0000000000000000 0x0000000000000000 0x0000000000000000 0x0000000000000000), BaseThreadInitThunk() + 0x14 bytes(s) 0x00007FF9FB0DF061 (0x0000000000000000 0x0000000000000000 0x0000000000000000 0x0000000000000000), RtlUserThreadStart() + 0x21 bytes(s) but working on
Activity: 21
Merit: 0
February 07, 2022, 09:54:12 AM |
Devs please add support 10xx (Pascal) for Dual ETH + TON. Thanks!
Activity: 23
Merit: 0
February 07, 2022, 11:29:55 AM |
Very unstable dual miner.  There is no normal support for old cards and new video cards also do not work correctly.

Activity: 1559
Merit: 69
February 07, 2022, 11:38:38 AM |
Very unstable dual miner.  There is no normal support for old cards and new video cards also do not work correctly. What do you mean with old cards? Can you specify what you mean with unstable? What do you mean with "no normal support"  My old cards work nicely also with some newer cards in combination. If you are unhappy, do a better job and build better miner 
Ngenah Euy
Jr. Member
Activity: 207
Merit: 5
February 07, 2022, 01:06:54 PM |
how to setup like this:
1st card TON 2nd card ETH+TON 3rd card ETH+TON
ETH: --devices 1,2 TON: --devices 0,1,2
Sr. Member
Activity: 287
Merit: 250
Global economic crisis? i hold my bitcoin..
February 07, 2022, 02:45:31 PM |
this dualminer ton cannot used for older devices like R9 390X with older driver (blockchain driver).
on some server, only blockchain driver can be installed, but it run without accepted shares.
Jr. Member
Activity: 62
Merit: 2
February 08, 2022, 12:46:33 AM |
i got this error when mine eth+ton on https://server1.whalestonpool.comTon job with difficulty 274.88G and giver Ef8JfFUEJhhpRW80_jqD7zzQteH6EBHOzxiOhygRhBdt44YH received. New job received: 0xcbbf1f Epoch: 471 Difficulty: 10.00G Ton pool connection mode: https job polling (ton-miner compatible) (--ton-mode 1) DNS over HTTPS resolve succeeded 0x00007FF67A93B120 (0x0000021CC767F9D0 0x00007FF9F6BFEF7E 0x000000923D6FE408 0x0000000000027BD0) 0x00007FF67A93C88E (0x0000021CC767F9D0 0x0000000000000000 0x0000000000027C0C 0xFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFF) 0x00007FF67A943EEB (0x0000021CC767F9D0 0x0000000000000000 0x0000000000040AEA 0x0000000000000000) 0x00007FF67A940AE9 (0x0000021CC767F9D0 0x0000021CC767F9D0 0x000000923D6FE519 0x0000021CC767F9D0) 0x00007FF67A92722E (0x0000021C85BDDBF0 0x000000923D6FE5C0 0x0000000000000000 0x0000021CC767F901) 0x00007FF67A925F40 (0x0000021C85BDDBF0 0x0000021C00000006 0x0000000000000000 0x0000021CC76CE6F8) 0x00007FF67A9224F3 (0x0000000000000000 0x0000000000002711 0x00000000003128DA 0x0000021CC76CE6F8) 0x00007FF67A8E98B5 (0x0000000000000000 0x0000021CBDB13E20 0x0000000000000000 0x0000000000000000) 0x00007FF67A6A32AF (0x0000021CBD79FEE0 0x0000000000000000 0x0000000000000000 0x0000000000000000) 0x00007FF67AAD14B8 (0x0000000000000000 0x0000000000000000 0x0000000000000000 0x0000000000000000) 0x00007FF9F9A41FE4 (0x0000000000000000 0x0000000000000000 0x0000000000000000 0x0000000000000000), BaseThreadInitThunk() + 0x14 bytes(s) 0x00007FF9FB0DF061 (0x0000000000000000 0x0000000000000000 0x0000000000000000 0x0000000000000000), RtlUserThreadStart() + 0x21 bytes(s) but working on https://next.ton-pool.comI get same thing on same pool. With 6900xt

Activity: 1208
Merit: 27
February 08, 2022, 10:13:06 AM |
Why my rtx3060 LHR on win10 showing 33.5mhs on ETH and only 22mhs on TON? Anyone?

Activity: 1559
Merit: 69
February 08, 2022, 10:27:42 AM |
Why my rtx3060 LHR on win10 showing 33.5mhs on ETH and only 22mhs on TON? Anyone?
more details please
Activity: 1
Merit: 0
February 08, 2022, 05:13:06 PM |
I am a new user here!
I am using Hive.os and I have 6 rigs of 8 GPUs each. Each rig has 8 RTX 3070s.
I started mining ETH / TON with Lolminer 14.3 over the past week. I have the current image of Hive.Os, current kernal, and current Nvidia drivers.
I have noticed many of the rigs would randomly restart a few hours after running. The warnings I am receiving on my Telegram bot are:
Load average: 28.02 15.39 9.67 LA > 48 LA > 48 Load average: 75.53 20.00 11.28 etc.
In this example, I rebooted all rigs 14 hours ago. Checking this morning, here is what I see: Worker 1 - 14h 26m Worker 2 - 11h 15m Worker 3 - 4h 22m Worker 4 - 6h 38m Worker 5 - 5h 40m Worker 6 - 4h 21m
This indicates workers 2-6 have rebooted at some point due to LA being too high. What is causing the LA to ramp up hours into mining? Is there an issue with the software? For clarity: All of my rigs have never had this problem for the past 9 months mining just ETH.
Activity: 22
Merit: 0
February 08, 2022, 07:02:08 PM |
ive tested eth+ton in my rx580 8gb rigs and on linux works fine but on windows it crashes and doesnt start anymore.... the problem is the Ton miner because if i started it after the crash, just Ton, it crashes and doesnt work.... but on linux its hashing preety well im getting 1800mhs on ton per card thats unbeliveble or it isnt showing the real hash because its to good to be true  Yeah, I'm having the same problem with 1.44. My 6x Polaris rig is getting over 10GH/sec with no shares found on Windows. lol. I'm wondering if I need to update the 20.4 drivers to something newer. Hal
February 08, 2022, 10:30:21 PM |
I saw 5 defect segment(s) warning on dag verification progress while mining eth+ton. What is it ? What should I do to fix it ?
I cannot live, I cannot die, trapped in myself. Hold my breath as I wish for death. Oh please god, help me !
February 09, 2022, 12:08:24 AM |
I saw 5 defect segment(s) warning on dag verification progress while mining eth+ton. What is it ? What should I do to fix it ?
only 5? those are rookie numbers. mine unironically shows 1198  . From what I read those are caused by overclocking and the miner fixes them automatically, so when the message shows up you don't have to do anything but wait. Not 100% sure though so wait for some more knowledgeable guy to reply
Activity: 6
Merit: 0
February 09, 2022, 06:54:13 AM Last edit: February 09, 2022, 07:07:11 AM by lamgztey |
 Lost connection to stratum server wss:// or server not reachable. Trying to connect in 5 second(s) New job received: 0x4f9da3 Epoch: 472 Difficulty: 4.00G Ton pool connection mode: stratum (--ton-mode 3) GPU 2: Found a share of difficulty 34.23G DNS over HTTPS resolve succeeded Ethash: Average speed (10s): 28.55 Mh/s | 28.72 Mh/s | 28.70 Mh/s | 28.36 Mh/s | 28.78 Mh/s | 28.48 Mh/s | 28.77 Mh/s | 28.80 Mh/s | 28.55 Mh/s | 27.89 Mh/s | 28.51 Mh/s | 28.41 Mh/s | 28.63 Mh/s Total: 371.17 Mh/s SHA256-TON: Average speed (10s): 556.63 Mh/s | 516.94 Mh/s | 502.22 Mh/s | 553.04 Mh/s | 618.77 Mh/s | 555.40 Mh/s | 560.91 Mh/s | 518.32 Mh/s | 570.98 Mh/s | 613.39 Mh/s | 584.46 Mh/s | 554.05 Mh/s | 615.40 Mh/s Total: 7320.51 Mh/s Connected to wss:// (TLS enabled) New job received: 0x2b296e Epoch: 472 Difficulty: 4.00G GPU 0: Found a share of difficulty 4.88G GPU 2: Share accepted (477 ms) GPU 0: Share accepted (45 ms) New job received: 0x1d4895 Epoch: 472 Difficulty: 4.00G TLS Handshake success
Jr. Member
Activity: 90
Merit: 1
February 09, 2022, 07:29:21 PM Last edit: February 10, 2022, 03:22:47 AM by Mr. Big |
Hi Guys, I am thinking of starting dual mining with my non LHR 3070s. ETH+TONCOIN I would appreciate if somebody can suggest a good OC for this combination. Also, I would like to know what wallet are you using for TONCOIN and if pool suggested in .bat file is only and best option so far? Thanks
Hi Guys,
I am thinking of starting dual mining with my non LHR 3070s. ETH+TONCOIN
I would appreciate if somebody can suggest a good OC for this combination.
Also, I would like to know what wallet are you using for TONCOIN and if pool suggested in .bat file is only and best option so far?
Hello fellow miners, So I figured out wallet and pool (whalestonpool) Here is screenshot of miner after 1h:  For some reason I cannot get 60Mh/s for ETH on first 4 cards. I checked clocks and they are all around same for all cards expect PL for some of them.