Sample of the current story/Game The Meeting day 2 - 000013
Andy made sure that he was on time to the Red Lion Cafe
As he entered, he saw Matthew sitting there, reading news on his tablet, just like he was doing yesterday
Andy - Hello Matthew, great to see you again.
Matthew - Hi Andy, grab yourself a coffee and lets get started
Andy walked over to the counter and ordered a latte, then came back and sat down at the table with Matthew
Matthew - Andy, as I am sure you know, you asked me to head up your business and I am fairly sure you did so, knowing my track record. I am also certain that you might be uncomfortable with me owning such a large percentage of the business and I understand why you feel like that, but let me assure you, I am in it to win and I believe in what you are doing, which is why I am prepared to put all my available time into your project and in return, I want to feel as if all my efforts will reward me highly.
Andy - Well Matthew, you certainly read my mind on that and you are correct on every point!
Matthew - Thats what I do Andy and thats why I will be the asset you need to make this go ballistic... While also letting you go about and do those things you want to do.... So trust the situation and lets get this thing done!
Andy - Okay Matthew, you certainly know your stuff and its seems logical to get the best person to do whats needed, rather than someone less skilled, but cheaper....
So with that, an agreement was made on a handshake, which in a few days will be a legal document, outlining Matthews 49% ownership of the company
For Andy, the handshake didn't feel as bad as he thought and in fact he felt elated that Matthew with all his experience is taking charge of the project.
This went a lot quicker than expected....!
Was it too quick