I just updated more reasons why Hmoobcoin needs to be supported.
Here is one reason why you should support this coin:
To stop the Genocide of Hmong in Laos.
http://www.cwhp.net/hmongissue.htmlTo Help: Try reaching out to the U.S. Embassy Vientiane, Laos. You can find their contact information here:
http://laos.usembassy.gov/contact.htmlconslao@state.govAgain, this coin is about spreading the word Hmoob (Hmong and Maio). Hmoob, Hmong and Maio are all one ethnic group. I choose to use Hmoob for this coin as Hmoob is our official ethnic name. Hmong was created in the USA and used in the USA and Maio was created in China. Hmoob is what we call ourself and who we are. Nonetheless, we also accept the name Hmong and Maio.
Thanks for those of you who choose to support Hmoobcoin. Once we get HMO into an exchange, people will start researching what this coin is and what the purpose is. This is why I want to get this coin into China, UN and USA exchange. I plan on keeping this coin alive and not let die because I am Hmoob and this is what I have to offer to this world.
FYI, I can't even get my own Hmoob people to install the wallet. This is due to me not educating them about what cryptocurrency is. However, I hope that this coin gets out for the sake of Hmoob. I know I got emotional in this post.