the Japanese regulators and I assume law enforcement there say they have no power to look at or enforce laws on BTC
my guess is he will declare bankruptcy on his fiat $$$ in gox....and he actually COULD just take all the bitcoin for himself and walk
w/o penalty in that Japan considers btc play money and says they won't intervene...if find it interesting 1 week after the Japanese
regulators told him this he blacks out and walks from the site
so he may have just pulled of the greatest heist since gengis khan in 'real money'
now if he really wants to take his toy and go home he just hast to sell large amounts of it price down to say 100 buck level
and then buy it back price rises to a level his ineptitude or other actions are covered with new $$$$
and viola ...we are back is you btc now that we are back (worth 112 bucks) no fiat will be exchanged just coin
and he walks
w/o regulations no reason an exchange can't do this all day long all around the world .....the usa financial crisis w/o consequences
ie you me the btc market just eats this in price fluctuations ......
the above is worse case
imho I expect him to declare bankruptcy ....give exchange up to someone else for more $$$ and then he and us will get say
75% of our bitcoin only back (no fiat)...thru the new owner arrangement whatever
that is my best case
they botk kninda suck
anyway woulda/coulda/shoulda that is the boundry line on both sides imho on how this will shake out