Let's have a look at coinmarketcap.com, and try to figure where Coin2 belongs.....
2500 BTC Cap = 5000 SAT price(around position 26)
2000 BTC Cap = 4000 SAT price (around position 28)
1500 BTC Cap = 3000 SAT price (around position 38)
1000 BTC Cap = 2000 SAT price (around position 46)
800 BTC Cap = 1600 SAT price (around position 50)
600 BTC Cap = 1200 SAT price (around position 60)
400 BTC Cap = 800 SAT price (around position 69)
200 BTC Cap = 400 SAT price (around position 90)
Peaking at around 900 SAT today - and now dropping back to around 600, what are peoples 'realistic' expectations for this to grow to over the next month or so?