Hello Everyone.I'm pleased to announce that we have opened brand new BTC/SC only accepting e-shop.
The shop contain wide range of tobacco smoking accessories.
The shop system is semi automatic. It means that after selecting BTC or SC as a payment system e-mail will be sent with BTC/SC address.
On the site at the top you can switch to desired currency.
The site has a loyalty program, where you can collect points and exchange them for vouchers for future purchase.
Also in the nearest future there will be a referral program where you can invite friends and receive discount vouchers for future shopping.
The shop base exchange ratios are last 24h average for BTC from USD at bitcoinchars (usually the ratio is greater than actual price) they are updated several time a day. For Solidcoins the last 24h average is from solidcoin24.com.
We are adding new stock, some of them are not available. In that case use add to wishlist and we will inform you whenever it will be available.
Below are some images of the products available in the shop.
You don't need to be registered, you can purchase as a guest but you wont receive any bonus features that way.
If you have any questions refer to FAQ, in the site or drop us an e0mail at support (at) solidbitshop.com, or post here.
If this experiment will be a success, we have a plan to run 2 other shops with different stock.
Have a nice shopping.
Every person that will purchase anything in the shop to 13-11-2011r. Will get permanent 5% discount on every item