I've been receiving the same type of message from multiple spammers now, asking me if I can withdraw crypto for them from an exchange to my own wallet.
Then they want me to send it to them and they're supposedly willing to pay a fee for it.
Here's the original message:
Hey , can you help me ? Found you in crypto-chat, so i think you may help . I hvae got 1.34 BTC (or 39.18 ETH) on e-coins.info and need to withdraw it. I want to send it to you , so you will withdraw it to your BTC/ETH wallet. The main problem is there's restriction for withdrawals and i can't do any now. You will get 0.1 btc or 2 ETH for help.
Of course, I'm not going to do this, but I was just wondering how this scam actually works.