The Dev for the Armageddon Platform is no longer active. A few community members are currently reviving the project and making it their own. The Beta Masternode Hosting platform is complete and hosting. For more information regarding the revival and opportunity to swap your AGDN coin for the new Millennium Club platform coin then check out Discord for more information. Hosting site
https://millenniumclub.caHey, I assume you are from the new team.
When the following Swap will be applied?
@everyone UPDATE
We trust everyone had a happy holiday season and look forward to a prosperous year.
A lot of work was done during that time period and work and progress is moving at a steady pace.
-Beta platform
Beta Platform is operational and is hosting 8 coins
Added 3 coins (MEDI, BIH and ESBC)
Automation improvements
-Finished Platform
Nearing completion and testing phase to begin shortly
-Coin Swap
The team is looking at a smooth transition from AGDN to the new Millennium Club Coin.
We will be releasing additional information regarding swap next week
Some of the specs that we would like to share with the community
- Name: Millennium Club Coin
-Ticker: MILL
-Swap commitment will be 6,000 AGDN for 5,000 MILL
Reason for Swap ratio:
- Small pre-mine to swap AGDN to MILL, no Dev pre-mine
-6,000 - 5,000 = 1,000 (will go to Dev team for various expenses)
There is work going on behind the scenes and the revival project of AGDN is still going strong. We will do our best to continually update and show progress. In order to stay connected to the community the team will be releasing news and updates weekly.
~Team Millennium
What about the MILL rewards mechanism?
Thank you