Can I crypto company be successful with a min budget during the ICO? For example, can a startup not have funding and successful launch an ICO to include whitepaper, landing page, smart contract if they are knowledgeable? Or is a lot of $$$$$$$ required for everything. I for one thing that the idea and vision is what sells. Especially if the person is transaparent and people buy in the vision. I think word of mouth will travel and people will buy in.
The need for money is exaggerated in this market, just look at the most successful coin that we have which is bitcoin, how much money did satoshi asked from the community to create bitcoin? He did not ask for any kind of money and yet he created the best coin that we have, so a truly dedicated developer could create a coin with no money if he wanted, but if he wanted to accelerate the process a few million dollars could be enough.