Wikipedia's yearly donation campaign; Time to accept Bitcoins?

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  Well, for those that read, support or add content to Wiki it's that time of year again when they humbly ask for donations to keep the site operating.  I don't spend a whole lot of time there but would be more than willing to donate a few bits their way if they accepted them. I am going to write them about it and would encourage anyone else that is interested to do the same.

  Link to their request;
  Current Donation options;
  Main Wikimedia Site;


   Edit;   Please note: Wikimedia is not associated with WikiLeaks.

Quote from: Andrew Bitcoiner on October 28, 2011, 05:57:12 PM

I think that is a great idea, does anyone know anybody that works there?

   Thanks. That would be very helpful. I am currently looking through all the different ways to communicate with them. I.e., email, forums, etc.

I'd give them coins if they accepted them...  Still might give them dollars, because I am a bit of a Wikipedia junkie.

Hey guys as you have started a thread about this I actually suggested this to them last month and I got the following response.

Note this was the UK branch of wikimedia.


Dear Max,

Thank you for your email. We have been looking into accepting BitCoins for some
time now, but at present we don't have the staff available to process BitCoin
payments as well as Direct Debits, Paypal and cheque/postal orders. There are also
concerns as to whether or not accepting BitCoins would be acceptable to the
Charities Commission - the currency is untraceable, which is something that the
Charities Commission may not be entirely happy with! That said, I'll put your
question forward to the Board, and they'll look into it.


+1 I would donate to Wikipedia MUCH MORE OFTEN if they accepted bitcoin. I just might drop a bitcent on every article I read!


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