Hi everyone,
We launched a new altcoin called Placeholders (PHL) https://www.placeh.io/files/placeh.pngWith a reasonable and affordable 0.75 USD price (it’s negotiable until further notice)COIN DETAILS:ICO NAME: Placeh.io
http://www.placeh.ioCoin Cap: 21 Million
Coin Supply: 408700.60569193 as of 2018-09-23
Consensus Algorythm: PoW (Proof of Work)
Blockchain Explorer URL:
http://explore.placeh.io:8080/exp-1.0-SNAPSHOT/Description: Open Source Fork of Bitcoin
Token name: Placeholders
Token symbol PHL
Token abbreviation: Þ
Used blockchain (Ethereum, Omni, building a new one, other): Bitcoin
How does the project create value to the ecosystem and differs from competing projects: Adding certain mutability to designated fieldsets in an otherwise immutable blockchain.
ICO Hard Cap: 21 Million
Price per token: 0.75 cents USD
Associated Blockchain Platform: Bitcoin
ICO Category / Industry: Business / Research and Development
Token Type: Mineable / PoW / Coin
Does your ICO require KYC: No
Which countries cannot participate in the ICO: None
Max Supply: 21 Million
ICO Round:(Pre?Main? Pre,Main?)N/A
Start bonus: N/A
Location: North America / Canada
Accepted Payment Method: BTC, ETH
Are the Team Tokens locked/vested? No
When are token issued? As mined (Feb 11 2018)
What will be the Token Usage / Token Role? The token will enable holders to send secure containers or "artifacts" of data.
What role does blockchain technology play? The blockchain enables a record of the artifacts transit and revision history to be view-able and audit-able.
Token type: Utility token
Total Supply: 21 Million
Premine: Zero
Block Time: 10 Minutes
Coin Creation Process: PoW (+ PoS TBA)
Roadmap: {Coming maybe}
Circulating Supply: (~200K) See block explorer
TXfee per transactions? the user can choose how much they would like to set the fee at, the default fee is 0.01 PHL
Here’s a couple of reasons why you might want to consider holding our coin:1) Low circulating supply
2) Zero premine - just started in april - still less than 1% of the total supply has been mined.
3) Bounty program
4) Unique functionality/project
5) Functioning block explorer, active miners
6) Low barrier to entry for "the little guy"
7) GPU / Asic resistant coin
Fast growing community of wallet holders.
9) Artifact loader is coming by December
10) Proven track record on reaching milestones and deliverables.
11) Coin launched in "Satoshies way" as opposed to a premine.
12) Version 2 coming in early 2019 with major upgrades.
13) Paper wallet solution
14) Mobile wallet (in development - unstable alpha already released)
15) Virtual box clustering scheduled for mid 2019
16) Passed the PoC stage
Join us at our discord channel (
https://discordapp.com/invite/m5EFJaJ) for more details or inbox us at