The name "ZENZO" is Japanese and translates roughly to "gradual growth". This is the precise philosophy that ZENZO embodies and seeks to share. It is how we look at everything in life, it should be natural and organic. The reason why much of the world partakes in unnecessary suffering is because our minds have shifted towards a state of instant gratification, especially in the cryptocurrency space. You do not plant seeds in a garden and expect to eat the fruits later that day, nature does not work this way. Our intentions are to build a sustainable ecosystem that is able to adapt, work well with other ecosystems, and gradually grow together.
• Gaming • Blockchain • Cryptocurrency
ZENZO was born on February 22, 2018 project with no ICO and no pre-sale of any sorts. The ZENZO Blockchain was live on October 2, 2018. All official ZENZO wallets and addresses have been transparent and public, since the beginning of the project and will remain that way. In Japan specifically, ZENZO is often referred to as the phoenix, as it is a powerful symbol that encapsulates the spirit of ZENZO and being born again from the ashes. Thanks to the determination and dedication of the ZENZO community, a new life has begun...
• No ICO/Presale • Transparent Premine • Coin Swap
What is ZENZO Ecosystem?
ZENZO is an all-encompassing ecosystem created specifically for gamers and game developers. The foundation is the ZENZO Blockchain and the multi-faceted driving force is the ZENZO Coin, known as ZNZ. The primary vision is to facilitate adoption and awareness of both blockchain and cryptocurrency in the gaming industry, with a strong emphasis on community. Within the Ecosystem, there are primarily 4 different elements: ZENZO Core (Blockchain, Coin, Wallet), ZENZO Arcade, ZENZO Forge, and the ZENZO Hatchery. Each one of these elements offers a unique and separate approach to solve specific problems, while all working together.
Phase 1 - Marketplace
The ZENZO Arcade unites gaming and cryptocurrency together by offering a free-market platform with multiple currency payment gateways. The marketplace offers discounted games, increased privacy, and almost instant digital product delivery. The Arcade also plans to be a safe and secure platform for players to be able to buy, sell, and trade in-game items that are backed by the ZENZO Blockchain and/or directly on the ZENZO Blockchain. Along with having a simple and easy to use platform for purchasing games and game-related goods with cryptocurrency, the frontend of the ZENZO Forge will be accessible through the ZENZO Arcade. This means that there will be a simple user interface for people to buy, sell, and trade their ZENZO Forge Items (ZENZO Blockchain-based Transferrable Assets). The overall objective of the ZENZO Arcade is to provide an all-inclusive marketplace for all all the gamer's needs. Additionally, the marketplace portion plans to include listings of physical gaming goods, to provide more utility and benefits for gamers world-wide.
ZENZO Arcade will initially support uni-directional marketplace purchasing of games directly from the store and approved vendors (allies). Other benefits include one-click instant purchases (with their products delivered both via email and directly within the Arcade's account interface). The ZENZO Arcade uses a multi-platform account system to remove excess transactions and further simplify the process. A Discord account acts as the medium of authentication and account ownership and the Arcade also includes a simple 2-factor authentication pin code system. The current accepted forms of payment are ZNZ, BTC, and PIVX. Initial gaming platforms capable of being listed on the arcade include Steam, Xbox, Playstation, and Microsoft Windows.
ZENZO Arcade will become bi-directional, allowing any and all users to buy and sell games via the arcade's escrow system. This includes safety measures and reputation (identity systems to encourage fair and seamless trades) and guarantees penalties to unfair or intentionally-malevolent actors on the platform. Fiat options will be enabled and will promote market thickness by utilizing a portion of fiat fees to buy ZNZ, which will then be parceled between the ZENZO Hatchery for future use and the burn pile for combating inflation. Additional payment methods will also be integrated.

The ZENZO Forge offers a unique approach to help solve major issues for games in the realms of transparency, asset ownership, interoperability, and scalability. This tool was created for game developers to be able to utilize the ZENZO Blockchain as a fast, reliable, and secure database for the in-game assets they create. By using the ZENZO Blockchain as a reliable database, players will not have to to pay enormous network fees and fall asleep behind the keyboard, while waiting for confirmations on the blockchain. This benefits all parties, game developers and gamers. The ZENZO Forge is a service for providing multi-platform, secure, and valuable items and content within, but not limited to games. Using the Forge, you can create in-game items that are worth real monetary value. All Forge items are backed by a specified amount of ZNZ, locked away until the item is either smelted or re-crafted.
ZENZO Blockchain-Based Transferable Assets
ZENZO has created on-chain, in-game items that have been deemed as ZENZO Blockchain-based Transferable Assets (similar to Ethereum's NFTs). Game developers can create their own assets in their game that the users can have 100% ownership of and they can buy, sell, and trade them. On top of that, each item is pegged with a ZNZ value that can also be smelted or destroyed to receive the value back in ZNZ. For example, when creating a new "Grandmaster Sword" you back with 10,000 ZNZ, you can now smelt this item, destroying it, and receive 10,000 ZNZ back into your wallet.
Craft: Users can craft items, which means you can create a transferable asset on the ZENZO Blockchain, that is backed by a ZNZ value. Similar to NFTs, ZENZO uses “Transferrable Assets” that are ever-evolving. Currently, you can craft items that have a unique name, image, creator ID, item ID, and ZNZ value.
Smelt: If at some point, for whatever reason, you want to smelt your item or destroy your item to receive its ZNZ value, you can smelt the item within the ZENZO Forge. The item is then permanently destroyed and the ZNZ is instantly transferred to your registered ZNZ Address/Wallet.
Trade: You can now trade your transferrable assets on the ZENZO Blockchain. This means you can buy and sell your items and assets that you have created, collected, or bought.

The ZENZO Hatchery can be viewed as the gaming incubator within the ZENZO Ecosystem that will allow of community members to take part, contribute, and also vote on the direction of game development, dependent upon the game developers working with ZENZO. This is a platform intended to bridge the gap between gamers and game developers. One of the most challenging things for indie game developers is having an understanding of the market and most importantly, their future players. Furthermore, gamer's voices and feedback often falls upon deaf ears for a long list of reasons, but by utilizing the Hatchery players can be more involved and help contribute to the games and get access to early testing and potentially rewarded by the game developers along with ZENZO. ZENZO intends to solve both of these issues by creating a means for gamers to work directly with game developers to help create the games that they wish to play.
ZENZO Governance
ZENZO is currently developing a new governance model that will allow for just about anyone to vote and take part. The basis of this governance system, in the first iteration, will be 1 ZNZ equals 1 Vote. Please note this governance model is still in the research and development stage and subject to substantial changes.
ZENZO is releasing a series of "scrolls" and within each scroll will contain detailed information about different elements and aspects of the ZENZO Ecosystem. These could also be referred to in a traditional context as organization or ecosystem documents, but that wasn't exciting enough for us. The first scroll is deemed the "GrandMaster Scroll", which is the first ZENZO Ecosystem Whitepaper (v1.0). The ZENZO GrandMaster Scroll v1.0 was officially released on May 8, 2019. The next version is currently being developed...
• Completed ○ In Progress
• ZENZO Blockchain Mainnet Launch (v1.0.0)
• ZENZO GrandMaster Scroll (Whitepaper) Release
• ZENZO Arcade (Alpha) Release
• PIVX Alliance (Partnership)
• ZENZO Chan Discord Bot Release (Custodial WebWallet + Games)
• NazoBot Release (Discord-based Games)
• ZENZO Forge SDK Release
• ZENZO Core v1.2.1 Release (with DVM - Decentralized Version Manager)
• ZENZO Forge FPS Game Demo Release
• ZENZO Core v1.3.0 + v1.3.1 Release
• ZENZO (ZNZ) on Mobile Wallets (Harcomia & Flits)
• ZENZO Core v2.0 | Kiyori Release + v2.0.1
• ZENZO Forge + KOTA Demo Release
○ ZENZO Forge v1.0 Release
○ King of the Apocalypse (KOTA) Early Access Release
○ 2.0 Website Release
○ ZENZO Arcade v2 Release + ZENZO Forge Item Integration
○ ZENZO Arcade (Beta) Release
○ ZENZO Mobile Wallet Release
○ Game Developer Partnerships & Utilization of ZENZO Forge & Blockchain
○ ZENZO Governance Implementation & Release
○ ZENZO Hatchery (Alpha) Release
○ ZENZO Eternal (Alpha) Release

• Ticker: ZNZ
• Maximum Coin Supply: 83,000,000
• Consensus Algorithm: Proof of Stake (PoS)
• Hashing Algorithm: Xevan
• Masternode Collateral: 15,000 ZNZ
• Premine: 16,800,000 ZNZ
• Block Time: 1 Minute
• Block Size: 2 MB
• Block Maturity: 50 Blocks
• Block Confirmation: 10
• PoS Minimum Age: 3 Hours
• PoS Maximum Age: Ø
• Block Rewards (Staking): 35%
• Block Rewards (Masternodes): 65%
(All links are directly from GitHub) Never download a ZENZO wallet from anywhere but the Official ZENZO GitHub and Website.
SHA256 Checksums
• Checksums
Windows Wallet
• Windows (64 bit)
Mac Wallet
• Mac
Linux Wallets
• Linux (64 bit)
• Arch (64 bit)
• RISC-V (64 bit)
ARM Wallet (Raspberry Pi, etc.)
Source Code
• Source Code (zip)
• Source Code (tar.gz)
Paper Wallets
• Paper Wallet (Android)
• Paper Wallet
• More Wallets Coming Soon!
Mobile Wallets (Third Party)
• Harcomia (Android)
• Flits (Android)
• Flits (iOS/Apple)
Disclaimer: Understand that the third-party services are solely listed for informational purposes only and that ZENZO has no control or influence over these applications or companies. Please do your own research and exercise caution when using any third-party service. It is also recommended not to store all of your funds on any mobile wallet, but to view them similarly to a physical wallet.
Products & Platforms
• Website
• ZENZO Arcade
Merchants, Stores, & Payment Processors
• CryptocurrencyCheckout
• CC Gift Card Marketplace
Block Explorers
• Official Block Explorer 1
• Official Block Explorer 2
• Official Block Explorer 3 (Blockbook)
• Llama's ZNZ Explorer
• Community Block Explorer
Exchange Listings
• Graviex (BTC, ETH, USDC)
• StakeCube (BTC, ETH, SCC, LTC, DASH, DOGE)
• Crex24 (BTC)
• TxBit (BTC, ETH)
• AltMarkets
• Social SEND
• Swiftex
• GitHub
• CoinMarketCap
• CoinGecko
• MasterNodes.Online
• MasterNodes.Pro
The ZENZO Team and Community are world-wide and active during all hours of the day. The most efficient way to reach the ZENZO Team is through either
Discord or
Telegram. Discord is the preferred outlet for ZENZO, as it was created for gamers and ZENZO has implemented custom games, features, and a ZNZ wallet within the official server. Come join the community and hangout with the team and make some new friends!
• Discord
• Telegram
• Twitter
• Medium
• Facebook
• LinkedIn
• Reddit
• Instagram