Raptoreum (OP)
Copper Member
Jr. Member
Activity: 167
Merit: 6
August 22, 2021, 02:37:40 PM |
Raptoreum August so far:
- Listed on Dex-Trade, Graviex, and Trade Ogre - Community marketing drive begins - Added to DeltaApp - Breaks ATH network hash - Breaks ATH trading volume - Breaks ATH active Smartnode count (400+)
Join us!
Raptoreum (OP)
Copper Member
Jr. Member
Activity: 167
Merit: 6
August 26, 2021, 02:19:08 PM |
Sr. Member
Activity: 545
Merit: 251
August 30, 2021, 11:22:20 PM |
Steadily more profitable to CPU mine than Moreno. 
Activity: 2
Merit: 0
September 03, 2021, 01:28:30 PM |
Steadily more profitable to CPU mine than Moreno.  True. Raptoreum mining calculator https://minerstat.com/coin/RTMEven a Ryzen 5 1600 ("out of the box") can bring some profit while in Moreno you lose money with electricity cost. Additional gains can be made on excenge (unfortunately only one has enough liquidity atm). Interesting coin.
Raptoreum (OP)
Copper Member
Jr. Member
Activity: 167
Merit: 6
September 03, 2021, 03:27:39 PM |
Steadily more profitable to CPU mine than Moreno.  True. Raptoreum mining calculator https://minerstat.com/coin/RTMEven a Ryzen 5 1600 ("out of the box") can bring some profit while in Moreno you lose money with electricity cost. Additional gains can be made on excenge (unfortunately only one has enough liquidity atm). Interesting coin. SouthXchange generally has enough as does dex-trade on the USDT pair, if you catch at the right time Trade Ogre LTC pair can have some. Dropping some mining rewards in Smartnodes is also a nice option to boost your rewards and it is good for the network.
Activity: 28
Merit: 0
September 04, 2021, 03:58:10 PM |
Hi Guys,
Long time miner of the testnets here.... Mined literally millions of test coins with zero issues, BUT mainnet mining seems very weird.
My 1800x is only getting 20h/s according to suprnova, which means i get about 200 coins per day !
What hashrates are you all getting and with what kind of hardware please?
This is my output CPU: AMD Ryzen 7 1800X Eight-Core Processor . SW built on Feb 18 2020 with GCC 7.3.0. CPU features: SSE2 AES SSE4.2 AVX AVX2 SHA. SW features: SSE2 AES SSE4.2 AVX AVX2. Algo features: SSE2 AES AVX2. Start mining with AES AVX2.
[2021-03-05 11:26:51] 16 CPU cores available, 8 miner threads selected. [2021-03-05 11:26:51] Starting Stratum on stratum+tcp://rtm.suprnova.cc:6273 [2021-03-05 11:26:51] Binding thread 0 to cpu 0. [2021-03-05 11:26:51] 8 miner threads started, using 'gr' algorithm. [2021-03-05 11:26:51] Binding thread 1 to cpu 1. [2021-03-05 11:26:51] Binding thread 2 to cpu 2. [2021-03-05 11:26:51] Binding thread 3 to cpu 3. [2021-03-05 11:26:51] Binding thread 4 to cpu 4. [2021-03-05 11:26:51] Binding thread 5 to cpu 5. [2021-03-05 11:26:51] Binding thread 6 to cpu 6. [2021-03-05 11:26:51] Binding thread 7 to cpu 7.
you are only using 8 threads, try with -t 16. on my 3600 @4.2 i'm getting around 350h/s on 12 threads Can you please tell me which miner you are using, i can't get close to half your speeds If you are benchmarking right when you get an unfortunate mix, variance can be up to 5 x from the low to the high. whats with the variance? also looks like he's using aes which is not correct program to mine on ryzen
September 04, 2021, 06:16:03 PM |
Hi Guys,
Long time miner of the testnets here.... Mined literally millions of test coins with zero issues, BUT mainnet mining seems very weird.
My 1800x is only getting 20h/s according to suprnova, which means i get about 200 coins per day !
What hashrates are you all getting and with what kind of hardware please?
This is my output CPU: AMD Ryzen 7 1800X Eight-Core Processor . SW built on Feb 18 2020 with GCC 7.3.0. CPU features: SSE2 AES SSE4.2 AVX AVX2 SHA. SW features: SSE2 AES SSE4.2 AVX AVX2. Algo features: SSE2 AES AVX2. Start mining with AES AVX2.
[2021-03-05 11:26:51] 16 CPU cores available, 8 miner threads selected. [2021-03-05 11:26:51] Starting Stratum on stratum+tcp://rtm.suprnova.cc:6273 [2021-03-05 11:26:51] Binding thread 0 to cpu 0. [2021-03-05 11:26:51] 8 miner threads started, using 'gr' algorithm. [2021-03-05 11:26:51] Binding thread 1 to cpu 1. [2021-03-05 11:26:51] Binding thread 2 to cpu 2. [2021-03-05 11:26:51] Binding thread 3 to cpu 3. [2021-03-05 11:26:51] Binding thread 4 to cpu 4. [2021-03-05 11:26:51] Binding thread 5 to cpu 5. [2021-03-05 11:26:51] Binding thread 6 to cpu 6. [2021-03-05 11:26:51] Binding thread 7 to cpu 7.
you are only using 8 threads, try with -t 16. on my 3600 @4.2 i'm getting around 350h/s on 12 threads Can you please tell me which miner you are using, i can't get close to half your speeds If you are benchmarking right when you get an unfortunate mix, variance can be up to 5 x from the low to the high. whats with the variance? also looks like he's using aes which is not correct program to mine on ryzen For that unoptimized miner build it didn't matter much. With the current miner it's a very different story. The variance comes from each block having a random mix of algorithms with both very fast and very slow ones in the mix. The optimized miner is here https://github.com/WyvernTKC/cpuminer-gr-avx2/releases/tag/1.1.9 Sample benchmarks are here https://docs.google.com/spreadsheets/d/1ABYpRGBEOg_OcMdhspS1DfklVjetuUhGca_s3H3gjRI/edit#gid=834480222Note the 1.1.7 Benchmarks are slightly inflated and running the miner to get a benchmark is recommended.
September 10, 2021, 05:31:05 PM |
Just on the way to my 3. Masternode. I think even small cap this is a good investment. 
Raptoreum (OP)
Copper Member
Jr. Member
Activity: 167
Merit: 6
September 15, 2021, 03:10:25 PM |
Today Raptoreum VS Monero profitability comparison: Todays $RTM VS #Monero profitability - Ryzen 3900X used - Monero 13800H/s = $0.85/day - RTM 3500H/s = $1.66/day Now what happens over 6 months to a year if you put 1/2 of your mining in #Smartnodes to earn passive income? -- Big things #XMR #raptoreum #Mining #Cryptocurency https://twitter.com/kawwwoin/status/1438157391426691076
Activity: 42
Merit: 0
September 16, 2021, 09:55:00 AM |
Today Raptoreum VS Monero profitability comparison: Todays $RTM VS #Monero profitability - Ryzen 3900X used - Monero 13800H/s = $0.85/day - RTM 3500H/s = $1.66/day Now what happens over 6 months to a year if you put 1/2 of your mining in #Smartnodes to earn passive income? -- Big things #XMR #raptoreum #Mining #Cryptocurency https://twitter.com/kawwwoin/status/1438157391426691076Interesting to find out that Raptoreum is more profitable than Monero. Do you guys have a list with top 5-10 most profitable CPUs to mine the coin? Thanks.
Raptoreum (OP)
Copper Member
Jr. Member
Activity: 167
Merit: 6
September 17, 2021, 01:00:32 PM |
Todays $RTM VS #Monero profitability - Ryzen 3900X used - Monero 13800H/s = $0.87/day - RTM 3500H/s = $2.50/day Now what happens over 6 months to a year if you put 1/2 of your mining in #Smartnodes to earn passive income? -- Big things #XMR #raptoreum #Mining #Cryptocurency https://twitter.com/kawwwoin/status/1438848760478674948
September 17, 2021, 04:40:17 PM |
Today Raptoreum VS Monero profitability comparison: Todays $RTM VS #Monero profitability - Ryzen 3900X used - Monero 13800H/s = $0.85/day - RTM 3500H/s = $1.66/day Now what happens over 6 months to a year if you put 1/2 of your mining in #Smartnodes to earn passive income? -- Big things #XMR #raptoreum #Mining #Cryptocurency https://twitter.com/kawwwoin/status/1438157391426691076Interesting to find out that Raptoreum is more profitable than Monero. Do you guys have a list with top 5-10 most profitable CPUs to mine the coin? Thanks. Basically the more L3 cache the better so newer AMD or older Intel server CPUs.
September 21, 2021, 09:31:04 AM |
Feels good to get that extra recognition!
Raptoreum (OP)
Copper Member
Jr. Member
Activity: 167
Merit: 6
September 23, 2021, 12:38:46 PM |
Todays $RTM VS #Monero profitability - Ryzen 3900X - Monero 13800H/s = $0.81/day - RTM 3500H/s = $4.76/day Now what happens over 6 months to a year if you put 1/2 of your mining in #Smartnodes to earn passive income? -- Big things https://twitter.com/kawwwoin/status/1441008608267972608
Activity: 4
Merit: 0
September 26, 2021, 04:24:41 PM |
Noticing a jump in price today whats happening? new exchange?
Activity: 19
Merit: 0
September 27, 2021, 10:32:56 AM |
Noticing a jump in price today whats happening? new exchange?
Nope. Just new people realizing its potential
Raptoreum (OP)
Copper Member
Jr. Member
Activity: 167
Merit: 6
September 27, 2021, 05:35:19 PM |
Raptoreums last 24 hours, quick summary:
#7 top mover on Coin Gecko 10 Mil Market Cap broken Top 1000 broken $.02 ATH hit >+1000% in 14d 9+ BTC ATH 24hr Volume up 10X in a day 17Mh broken (net hash) (CPU only)
Raptoreum (OP)
Copper Member
Jr. Member
Activity: 167
Merit: 6
September 28, 2021, 02:58:00 PM |
Great new hashrate and profitability calculator just went live, nice!! https://mineraptoreum.com/