I have been seeing this sentence - Master node, pop up online but I don't really understand what it means exactly. So in this method what you're going to do is find a wallet that stakes coins and then buy coins and store in that wallet and that's it? You start receiving rewards from the Blockchain? I have also been hearing about staking coins, and I have seen a wallet that rewards people for saving their coins for a year, you get a little percentage… Seems like it is 3% or so. I really need to do some research abort these things though.
We need to spend some money for VPS which is making us to spend out side the crypto space. In my opinion POS concept must be good for the reason of KEEPING all our spending within crypto. I mean for the money we need to spend for VPS under masternode concepts, we may buy some more coins in POS environment. Now, tell me which one got chances to be successful in long run?
the only one that was successful long run was DASH because it's masternode was worth $100,000 or more in value at the All time high of crypto in 2017
1,000 dash coins x (price of coin) = $VALUE OF YOUR MASTERNODE