Now bitcoin is "increasing". This is what we have to deal with every single day, it was about $3.6k just a couple days ago and looked like there was nothing stopping it from going to $3k and everyone was taking their positions based on that considering selling at the time and rebuying when it reached to $3k to increase their position.
Look at us now, it is about $4.2k all of a sudden, went about 7% or so in one day, not like it matters considering we have come from $20k (more recently $6.5k) so it wouldn't really matter to us when it moves from $3.6k to either $3k or $4.2k but it is just a small example of how bitcoin never does what you expect it to do and always does the opposite of what everyone thinks it will do.
I agree with you, It's unpredictable. But the price is still quite low