I am in need of 15-25 users for my upcoming release of my BTC Gambling site.
I am looking for people that gamble and can give me USEFUL advice. There will be a reward for the person that helps the most.
If you are interested and gamble usually and believe you can provide good information and help please fill this:
1. How often do you gamble?
2. How much do you usually gamble?
3. What type of gambling do you usually do?
4. What do you think is lacking in the gambling btc market right now?
Thank you and I am looking forward to the replies!
1. Once a week or once a two week
2. 100 doge
3. Dice
4. I don't know what is the lack in the gambling btc market because I don't see any lack of it.
Maybe I am not a daily gambler like the others, I only curious what is your gambling site. I hope that it is different than the other gambling sites.