Pre-Announcement! ►► CRowdCLassic (CRCL) - Let`s add value to technology
* The project name was changed. Previous topic is here:** And official ANN thread is here: is CRowdCLassic project?Long story short: It is a successor of the Crowdcoin project network. They made a swap and moved from Neoscrypt to another algorithm so the old network was abandoned. A decision was made to continue the support of it because the network proved herself to be reliable and trustworthy one.
But the main reason was to stand behind the original idea: to create a place were people interested in crypto meet people who want to share and develop their knowledge - to put it in layman`s terms- an academy and an ICO platform for crowd-funding projects. And even to broaden it - to create a social network for the crypto realm.
And at last but not at least: to put the technology where it belongs - above the value. Because it`s a way better to have sustainable demand created by the features given technology has and not by speculating with eventual future value.
The project will be community driven for real and supported by donations at first then with small dev fee in every block generated. You can send coin to CLaUTqyiDcs1Hens3Qxpb7JSx6sKKTSjNn to donate directly or by pointing a miner to our official pool: - it has 100% fee (all generated coins) so use it only for failsafe pool or if you want to support the network.
This project will be an anonymous effort until the support for it gets stronger.
So after a week of extensive research and serious decision making, this is the next generation of this project`s coin:
Ticker: CRCL
Address Letter: C
Algorithm: Neoscrypt
ICO: None
Current Supply: ~5100000
Max. Supply: 10,900,000
Block Time: 120 seconds
Spend: 10 confirmations
Block: 100 confirmations
Block Reward: 10 CRCL, halving every 262800 blocks (every year) - next is coming around 25 Dec 2019
Reward distribution: 50% POW, 50% Masternode
Masternode Collateral: 1000 CRCL
Premine: There were 200 000 coins left in an address from before the swap. There is unknown to date amount of coins collected from the swap also - this matter will be investigated further though.
As this may look scary from the market PoV now, it can be considered a low risk in the long run. (This will be explained in detail in the Whitepaper.)
How to get CRCL coins?1.
You can mine them at POOLS supporting CRCL through well-known miner software:
POOLS: Check their status here: - this is the official pool but it is for donations and testing ONLY. It will take ALL the coins because 100% fee is set. For mining for yourself pls use one of the following: - working 0.5% Fee
- Location Europe
- Dedicated Port for each Coin !
Algo: neoscrypt
-a neoscrypt -o stratum+tcp:// -u YOUR_WALLET_ADDRESS -p c=CRCL or d=4 (your diff)
Converting them from old CRC: the new wallet has backward compatibility - just COPY your old CRC wallet.dat to the CRowdCLassicCore folder, restart, and you`ll have the same amount of CRCL. Jusl like that
But don`t forget: this is NOT a fork so when you move your CRCL coins elsewhere, they will disappear from your CRC wallet too.
EXCHANGES: Coming soon but there`s no hurry. As it`s been said - we put the technology first
QUICK ROADMAP:1. Manifesto is in the making.
2. Support the network:
a new wallets has to be compiled with a few things replaced. Done
putting some pool and nodes online to support the blockchain. Done
a manual with explanation how to create a masternode. Done.
- (eventually) a manual with explanation how to mine to a wallet - local or remote.
3. An explorer has to be started using some scripts available. In the making.
4. A website to present the project. In the making.
5. Whitepaper to explain the project deeper. And Yellowpaper after that, filled with technical stuff to explain it further.
6. Complete the assessment of the project.
7. Moving to POW/POS/MN code.
8. MVP: A portal for learning and crowd-funding (the original project idea), created using some particular social software available right now. Implementing gamification instead of airdrops and using CRCL as an utility coin only.
- There will be no real coins kept on the site, an quantities only. They will be stored in account(s) on an exchange.
- KYC through third-party company.
- Mobile apps.
9. Complete code audit by a third-party company.
10. Hail everybody from the Moon.
IMPORTANT LINKS:There were enormous amount of research and few sleepless nights so all the pressing issues were resolved (see the commits in the repo for more info). But again: keep in mind that this is experimental software at this stage. Use on your own risk. Think twice and always backup..
New wallets: they stop syncing just add the nodes from the link below and restart.
Version just released: THIS IS M A N D A T O R Y U P D A T E - you need to get this or your payments and masternodes may not work. All old wallets are out of the network now.
Old wallets for you to test and play with: - extended functions, - basic one.
http://nodes.crcl.cryptocrowdclub.comMasternode Setup/Guide: number of masternodes shown in the wallet is combined sum of CRCL and old CRC nodes. But these working on protocol 70207 are actual CRCL nodes. Others are listed for compatibility.
And for all of you owned CRC masternode, just generate new masternode genkey and reinstall sentinel using the coresponding script.
http://blog.crcl.cryptocrowdclub.comP.S. So the thing are a little off right now but everything will fall into place the next few days. It was a crazy ride..
P.P.S. This project has no connection with previous owner whatsoever. Maybe it`s hard to believe now but the time will tell.
►► CRowdCLassic (CRCL) - Let`s add value to technology