Digging a little more, over the span of about 2 hours when the price went from about 1400 to 1200 I got curious who was selling all this coin so I snapshotted the top 100 balances at both ends of the period.
Out of all the top 100 addresses, only the following changed balances in any way, and did so in the following amounts:
Address | Start bal | Ending bal | Gain/Loss/Consolidation
FEpZtC6JHLprKLeczimSV5bzkTHADrDDz5 | 20250000 flt | 20200000 flt |
Loss 50,000FCB69kf2XQ2MGvu3zBgVZJvJecU93jTE9p | 6617998 flt | 6572479 flt |
Loss 45,519F9DRvQqbohVZt3PkUEP9qsGWh75iM5vjTC | 5802746 flt | 5817794 flt |
Gain 15,048FCmTwSDpu3zUUUCSnmJPhY6rdP5sksb7Sw | 1655647 flt | 1640543 flt |
Loss 15,104FTUWqgKpuCtoTAkziD1Vrni5JVX2dMcDC4 | 1583417 flt | 1543417 flt |
Loss 40,000FGwQ5aDA6CKh5nXv4C5SupvX9eLsHydJtQ | 1350000 flt | 1360000 flt |
Gain 10,000FG8iHJAVpUFWbRokD3RmscPmGys2tyaqoK | 571125 flt | 1273224 flt | CIn 702,099 (consolidation in from 2 addresses below)
FFfHe4ktvbCns2g6RhYgadLiprdfBGkKvQ | 606228 flt | 606780 flt |
Gain 553FCWeGgLYpgg7hBKYTihC8nYNv3rkpyE2xM | 401998 flt | 0 flt | COut 401,988 (consolidation out to other address)
FTc4p1ch5XxSSwxsRrZ38ENkeoETWVi3mW | 396249 flt | 466249 flt |
Gain 50,000FV2J39sgF8YMnQuboJhwPuNQbtiuuEYiFX | 300099 flt | 0 flt | COut 300,099 (consolidation out to other address)
F9CtShEbXvjM7VxRnccmnJ6K5JgKkvDxKQ | 257500 flt | 267500 flt |
Gain 50,000None of the other top 100 address balances changed at all apart from these few. The rest stayed exactly the same. I used this tool to get balances:
http://agran.net/flt_getbalance.php?top=1000 (I only tracked the top 100, maybe there was more action lower than that but I am only interested in what large stakeholders are doing under these 'panic' situations and predictably, they are doing nothing much at all

My take on this is
1. that very few large holders are selling off right now, and if so it is in very small amounts relative to their balances.
The only large losses appear to be address consolidation.
The rest of the losses seem to be offset somewhat by gains elsewhere (winners getting cheap coin from losers

2. The net selloff volume from 1400 to 1200 was a total of about 30 BTC's worth on Mintpal and Cryptsy combined.
This is a tiny, tiny fraction of the entire amount of Flutter in circulation (about 2,200 BTC equivalent).
That means there's only a few people - my guess is 10 ot 15 at most - who are actually making the market value change at all through dumping (or pumping for that matter).
Almost 99% of the FLT in circulation is not participating in this price fluctuation in any way.