June 04, 2019, 05:55:39 PM |
Round: #652 Prize in BTC: up to 0.1 Prize in USD: up to 842.5 Previous result(s): [here]Previous prize(s): 0.0028 Opens: 2019 31st May, Friday 17:00 GMT (5:00 PM) Closes: 2019 1st June, Saturday 16:00 GMT (4:00 PM) Play @: Info, Rules, Prize pool: Details and requirements listMinimum BetID:- 32,944,566,975 Minimum bet amount:- 0.00001000 = Bitcoin - 0.00019567 = Bitcoin Cash - 0.00301004 = Bitcoin Gold - 0.00045199 = Bitcoin SV - 0.00051991 = Dash - 5.56849209 = Digibyte - 25.0035786 = Dogecoin - 0.00032392 = Ethereum - 0.01009920 = Ethereum Classic - 0.05939169 = Komodo - 0.04111812 = Lisk - 0.00076773 = Litecoin - 0.00650240 = Neo - 0.19691254 = Ripple - 0.08573049 = Stratis - 0.02625590 = Qtum - 0.03292465 = Waves - 0.00096179 = Zcash
June 04, 2019, 05:57:58 PM |
Round: #653 Prize in BTC: up to 0.1 Prize in USD: up to 853.6 Previous result(s): [here]Previous prize(s): 0.0030 Opens: 2019 1st June, Saturday 17:00 GMT (5:00 PM) Closes: 2019 2nd June, Sunday 16:00 GMT (4:00 PM) Play @: Info, Rules, Prize pool: Details and requirements listMinimum BetID:- 32,964,829,081 Minimum bet amount:- 0.00001000 = Bitcoin - 0.00019750 = Bitcoin Cash - 0.00299213 = Bitcoin Gold - 0.00045221 = Bitcoin SV - 0.00051849 = Dash - 5.56395898 = Digibyte - 24.0439055 = Dogecoin - 0.00032038 = Ethereum - 0.00976736 = Ethereum Classic - 0.06139404 = Komodo - 0.04162803 = Lisk - 0.00075470 = Litecoin - 0.00611720 = Neo - 0.19842296 = Ripple - 0.08576931 = Stratis - 0.02348809 = Qtum - 0.03265188 = Waves - 0.00098018 = Zcash
June 04, 2019, 05:59:31 PM |
Round: #654 Prize in BTC: up to 0.1 Prize in USD: up to 870.5 Previous result(s): [here]Previous prize(s): 0.0003 Opens: 2019 2nd June, Sunday 17:00 GMT (5:00 PM) Closes: 2019 3rd June, Monday 16:00 GMT (4:00 PM) Play @: Info, Rules, Prize pool: Details and requirements listMinimum BetID:- 32,987,078,079 Minimum bet amount:- 0.00001000 = Bitcoin - 0.00019730 = Bitcoin Cash - 0.00299429 = Bitcoin Gold - 0.00045690 = Bitcoin SV - 0.00052374 = Dash - 5.28195023 = Digibyte - 25.6783474 = Dogecoin - 0.00032421 = Ethereum - 0.00917482 = Ethereum Classic - 0.05395718 = Komodo - 0.04110922 = Lisk - 0.00076207 = Litecoin - 0.00623645 = Neo - 0.19616387 = Ripple - 0.08520193 = Stratis - 0.02430545 = Qtum - 0.03328486 = Waves - 0.00098534 = Zcash
June 04, 2019, 06:02:06 PM |
Round: #655 Prize in BTC: up to 0.1 Prize in USD: up to 852.6 Previous result(s): [here]Previous prize(s): 0.0006 Opens: 2019 3rd June, Monday 17:00 GMT (5:00 PM) Closes: 2019 4th June, Tuesday 16:00 GMT (4:00 PM) Play @: Info, Rules, Prize pool: Details and requirements listMinimum BetID:- 33,008,336,302 Minimum bet amount:- 0.00001000 = Bitcoin - 0.00020030 = Bitcoin Cash - 0.00299485 = Bitcoin Gold - 0.00039358 = Bitcoin SV - 0.00052793 = Dash - 5.34383660 = Digibyte - 25.8533004 = Dogecoin - 0.00032622 = Ethereum - 0.00888326 = Ethereum Classic - 0.05593228 = Komodo - 0.04096906 = Lisk - 0.00075968 = Litecoin - 0.00641147 = Neo - 0.19094515 = Ripple - 0.08702600 = Stratis - 0.02514499 = Qtum - 0.03323246 = Waves - 0.00098679 = Zcash
June 04, 2019, 06:03:25 PM |
Round: #656 Prize in BTC: up to 0.1 Prize in USD: up to 782.1 Previous result(s): [here]Previous prize(s): 0.0004 Opens: 2019 4th June, Tuesday 17:00 GMT (5:00 PM) Closes: 2019 5th June, Wednesday 16:00 GMT (4:00 PM) Play @: Info, Rules, Prize pool: Details and requirements listMinimum BetID:- 33,031,386,160 Minimum bet amount:- 0.00001000 = Bitcoin - 0.00020147 = Bitcoin Cash - 0.00298175 = Bitcoin Gold - 0.00035198 = Bitcoin SV - 0.00051715 = Dash - 5.32493980 = Digibyte - 25.8752965 = Dogecoin - 0.00031915 = Ethereum - 0.00882420 = Ethereum Classic - 0.05316846 = Komodo - 0.03886896 = Lisk - 0.00076266 = Litecoin - 0.00656171 = Neo - 0.19236634 = Ripple - 0.08745210 = Stratis - 0.02564460 = Qtum - 0.03350785 = Waves - 0.00097064 = Zcash
June 11, 2019, 05:53:12 PM |
Round: #657 Prize in BTC: up to 0.1 Prize in USD: up to 774.2 Previous result(s): [here]Previous prize(s): 0.0018 BTC Opens: 2019 5th June, Wednesday 17:00 GMT (5:00 PM) Closes: 2019 6th June, Thursday 16:00 GMT (4:00 PM) Play @: Info, Rules, Prize pool: Details and requirements listMinimum BetID:- 33,053,848,234 Minimum bet amount:- 0.00001000 = Bitcoin - 0.00019510 = Bitcoin Cash - 0.00302946 = Bitcoin Gold - 0.00036621 = Bitcoin SV - 0.00053272 = Dash - 5.41408608 = Digibyte - 25.9432559 = Dogecoin - 0.00031696 = Ethereum - 0.00965513 = Ethereum Classic - 0.05347913 = Komodo - 0.03965569 = Lisk - 0.00075422 = Litecoin - 0.00669698 = Neo - 0.19405568 = Ripple - 0.08982550 = Stratis - 0.02591679 = Qtum - 0.03347086 = Waves - 0.00098834 = Zcash
June 11, 2019, 05:55:57 PM |
Round: #658 Prize in BTC: up to 0.1 Prize in USD: up to 768.9 Previous result(s): [here]Previous prize(s): 0.0006 BTC Opens: 2019 6th June, Thursday 17:00 GMT (5:00 PM) Closes: 2019 7th June, Friday 16:00 GMT (4:00 PM) Play @: Info, Rules, Prize pool: Details and requirements listMinimum BetID:- 33,072,305,204 Minimum bet amount:- 0.00001000 = Bitcoin - 0.00020011 = Bitcoin Cash - 0.00306474 = Bitcoin Gold - 0.00040696 = Bitcoin SV - 0.00053816 = Dash - 5.38942503 = Digibyte - 25.4883263 = Dogecoin - 0.00031736 = Ethereum - 0.01001858 = Ethereum Classic - 0.05053949 = Komodo - 0.04024710 = Lisk - 0.00074295 = Litecoin - 0.00673697 = Neo - 0.18490677 = Ripple - 0.08812161 = Stratis - 0.02627216 = Qtum - 0.03387363 = Waves - 0.00097573 = Zcash
June 11, 2019, 05:58:21 PM |
Round: #659 Prize in BTC: up to 0.1 Prize in USD: up to 807.7 Previous result(s): [here]Previous prize(s): No Winners Opens: 2019 7th June, Friday 17:00 GMT (5:00 PM) Closes: 2019 8th June, Saturday 16:00 GMT (4:00 PM) Play @: Info, Rules, Prize pool: Details and requirements listMinimum BetID:- 33,092,770,575 Minimum bet amount:- 0.00001000 = Bitcoin - 0.00019821 = Bitcoin Cash - 0.00302613 = Bitcoin Gold - 0.00039456 = Bitcoin SV - 0.00053865 = Dash - 5.44448533 = Digibyte - 25.8195386 = Dogecoin - 0.00031825 = Ethereum - 0.00978950 = Ethereum Classic - 0.05075261 = Komodo - 0.03862781 = Lisk - 0.00067424 = Litecoin - 0.00651065 = Neo - 0.18779660 = Ripple - 0.08821902 = Stratis - 0.02510542 = Qtum - 0.03343477 = Waves - 0.00095973 = Zcash
June 11, 2019, 06:00:07 PM |
Round: #660 Prize in BTC: up to 0.1 Prize in USD: up to 784.7 Previous result(s): [here]Previous prize(s): 0.0016 BTC Opens: 2019 8th June, Saturday 17:00 GMT (5:00 PM) Closes: 2019 9th June, Sunday 16:00 GMT (4:00 PM) Play @: Info, Rules, Prize pool: Details and requirements listMinimum BetID:- 33,111,130,800 Minimum bet amount:- 0.00001000 = Bitcoin - 0.00020185 = Bitcoin Cash - 0.00305665 = Bitcoin Gold - 0.00041144 = Bitcoin SV - 0.00054354 = Dash - 5.57360567 = Digibyte - 25.7754512 = Dogecoin - 0.00032314 = Ethereum - 0.00957069 = Ethereum Classic - 0.04654090 = Komodo - 0.03861905 = Lisk - 0.00068589 = Litecoin - 0.00663231 = Neo - 0.19252459 = Ripple - 0.08611973 = Stratis - 0.02609134 = Qtum - 0.03356793 = Waves - 0.00096647 = Zcash
June 11, 2019, 06:01:54 PM |
Round: #661 Prize in BTC: up to 0.1 Prize in USD: up to 765.3 Previous result(s): [here]Previous prize(s): 0.0002 BTC Opens: 2019 9th June, Sunday 17:00 GMT (5:00 PM) Closes: 2019 10th June, Monday 16:00 GMT (4:00 PM) Play @: Info, Rules, Prize pool: Details and requirements listMinimum BetID:- 33,129,146,233 Minimum bet amount:- 0.00001000 = Bitcoin - 0.00020371 = Bitcoin Cash - 0.00312307 = Bitcoin Gold - 0.00040848 = Bitcoin SV - 0.00054656 = Dash - 5.87327803 = Digibyte - 24.0967867 = Dogecoin - 0.00033224 = Ethereum - 0.00958422 = Ethereum Classic - 0.04770472 = Komodo - 0.04026208 = Lisk - 0.00067159 = Litecoin - 0.00672451 = Neo - 0.20071808 = Ripple - 0.08460236 = Stratis - 0.02659969 = Qtum - 0.03365711 = Waves - 0.00100213 = Zcash