Cloud Mining contracts will be available for purchase. eGold Mining offers the cheapest contracts on the market. And since eGold Mining is a verified USA company, we offer complete transparency and trust, something that is missing in the cryptocurrency mining industry.
Hardware – Bitmain Antminer S9i (14Th)
Cryptocurrency – BTC
Contract Period 5 years 5 years 5 years
Contract Unit 1TH/s 7TH/s 14TH/s
Price $230 per TH/s $215 per TH/s $200 per TH/s
Contract Price $230 $1500 $2800
Power 100W/share 700W/share 1400W/share
Electric Price 15¢ per day 80¢ per day $1.50 per day
Maintenance Fee 0% 0% 0%
*Electric costs will be deducted from mining profits. Contract period, unit, and price is negotiable. Profits from these contracts will go into expanding the regular mining operations for the eGM Token service.