I've read of OTC buyers paying a premium for freshly minted coins. Dunno if it's true. It seems utterly ludicrous to me. As soon as it's established 'clean' coins are worth more the entire thing falls apart and becomes unusable. You'd wind up with a virgin subset that everyone else would spam with their dirty coins anyway.
Ludicrous is true, but I would hardly be surprised if there were instances of such, marketing, coupled with ignorance, could easily see how a demand could be created by "bad actors", but good thing right now is that you can't block incomings, so yeah, you couldn't do anything to hide clean coins when everything's traceable easily esp for coinbase virgins.
Fungibility has always been an open question with Bitcoin. We can't foresee exactly how governments are going to apply money laundering regulations, and the ledger is completely transparent. I certainly would never seek out freshly minted coins personally, but I could understand if whale investors with deep pockets want to hedge that way as an insurance plan. They want their capital to be unimpeachable. I'm sure whatever premium they're paying is a drop in the bucket compared to the potential gains they're looking for.
Same here, I actually am quite happy when given the chance to transact with as diverse and as many as possible. Large corporate interests do have a funny way of rational logic, though, and should they overlook fungibility for that unimpeachable capital, they may very well go down that path, even if they don't have the foresight to see the harm at the end.