This has happened to me on 1gorynych back in the day
16DEAB074A29C5444CE849F2231096FB9B7AF4F9A2903899F2B2B42F34198F82 private key . 046098AF1FA301F60EE17DFA008D91D1541666201416279787FD9FA8120AA68CA5DF0FF9A8279D7
^public key worked ^
and resulted this PubAddress: 1overGriLuHS3s3yEpYZh7MKnZ59kzdAf
PartialPriv: 5J3dksTuquTvgjVtvdnw1vDfW6qhouof5M9uPtC8qHcVQyNMWsK
but when I combine them we get
priv key 5JDhwDBS5ZwLnMiQ3iYtwxkhUwD4rWoAvKTUnZNHeJZDip8rJdM
This is the second time this has happened over the years, does anyone know why?
ive asked in the past but do not recall getting answers
https://bitcointalk.org/index.php?topic=5112311.440 nvm
Take the RTX 3070 for example.
Bitcrack gives out 800mk.
Vanitysearch, gives out 1600-1700mk.
So why not use vanitysearch for search, if it is twice as fast?
Therefore, I asked about the possibility of searching in a fixed range, in vanitysearch.
You can read up, I've answered this before.
When vanity search lands on a single private key, it actually checks that single key against 6 possibilities, because it is checking Point + endo1 + endo2 + symmetries. While vanitysearch modded is faster than bitcrack, the precompiled version is checking more points per single private key which is why the speed seems a lot faster.
this explains why 1 of 6 will be valid if split gen right?
Yes. But this is due only to the way the programs we use to reassemble the pieces for the final private key work.
Let s (Q = sG) be the secret private key (the public key). Only one person knows 's'.
Then he sends only Q to another person, who run a "split gen" program.
Usually "split gen" works like this:
it computes only (s+1)G = Q + G, (s+2)G = Q + 2G, …, (s+k)G = Q + kG = P
until it gets a public key P with a particular address.
The program knows only k (the partial private key).
Then you need to compute k' (k' G = P):
k' = (s + k) mod n.
Now suppose you get P in this way: - (Q + kG) = P
then in order to get from the partial private key k the correct final private key k' = (-s -k) mod n
you need to know how k was obtained (exploiting the symmetry).
If you get P in this way: λ(Q + kG) = P
(exploiting the endomorphism) the correct final private k' will be: λ*(s + k) mod n and so on.
I'm quoting this for research purposes.
ExtKey masterKey = new ExtKey();
Console.WriteLine("Master key : " + masterKey.ToString(Network.Main));
for (int i = 0 ; i < 5 ; i++)
ExtKey key = masterKey.Derive((uint)i);
Console.WriteLine("Key " + i + " : " + key.ToString(Network.Main));
ExtPubKey masterPubKey = masterKey.Neuter();
for (int i = 0 ; i < 5 ; i++)
ExtPubKey pubkey = masterPubKey.Derive((uint)i);
Console.WriteLine("PubKey " + i + " : " + pubkey.ToString(Network.Main));