Copper Member
Jr. Member
Activity: 193
Merit: 1
March 15, 2019, 06:55:17 PM |
They seem like good projects and if you want to you can run them especially if you don't mind doing kyc for a very little reward
March 15, 2019, 08:27:05 PM |
Airdrops last year are good and many people have earned a lot of money on airdrops. But now,airdrops are no longer popular since the scammers entered cryto and some do multiples accounts to fooled a lot of people. There's only a few airdrop that are legit but they give you a small earnings.
March 16, 2019, 06:37:18 AM |
Airdrops last year are good and many people have earned a lot of money on airdrops. But now,airdrops are no longer popular since the scammers entered cryto and some do multiples accounts to fooled a lot of people. There's only a few airdrop that are legit but they give you a small earnings.
from the first I thought for no one gives a great income. they are only a fraction of which we can get. not to mention such an airdrop now could not produce any.
March 16, 2019, 07:56:57 AM |
If market conditions are still decreasing and there are no large pumps. I think everyone will find it difficult to make a profit. Moreover, Airdrop coins until now are still many coins that have no selling value. And many people commit Airdrop fraud using the names of coins that already exist in the exchange market.
March 16, 2019, 08:02:11 AM |
Airdrops last year are good and many people have earned a lot of money on airdrops. But now,airdrops are no longer popular since the scammers entered cryto and some do multiples accounts to fooled a lot of people. There's only a few airdrop that are legit but they give you a small earnings.
from the first I thought for no one gives a great income. they are only a fraction of which we can get. not to mention such an airdrop now could not produce any. indeed for this year Airdrop didn't produce anymore because from 2018 until now until now the airdrop enthusiasts had drastically reduced because the result was nonexistent
March 16, 2019, 08:13:24 AM |
I believe they have some aidrops who good to participate and you will get good amount of tokens as a reward. Airdrops for me is like a faucet or having a same to the faucet after takes an effort you will get some only but if you are lucky to airdrops possible for you to get hundred dollars in one airdrop if the project reach their hard cap like millions of dollars for sure the value of the token will high.
March 16, 2019, 09:00:10 AM |
I think I saw one in facebook it is an exchange that gives you $7.5 , And you need to do the KYC to verified your account to be able to withdraw it. Other than that I don't really have some news about airdrops anymore.
March 16, 2019, 09:42:15 AM |
Airdrops don't make it any longer. It doesn't even make any sense. A period was very popular. Now there are the tokens distributed by the stock exchanges. I'm trying to follow the new trends.
March 16, 2019, 11:02:13 AM |
I think I saw one in facebook it is an exchange that gives you $7.5 , And you need to do the KYC to verified your account to be able to withdraw it. Other than that I don't really have some news about airdrops anymore.
If you saw the Facebook it is not workout the withdrawal because mostly all the new exchanges have some crypto it is only useful to trade. But KYC verification was not a gentle agreement because is there any trusted exchanges we will provide our proof of Identity, otherwise it will make risk.
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March 16, 2019, 11:40:52 AM |
They seem like good projects and if you want to you can run them especially if you don't mind doing kyc for a very little reward
People have stop those projects where KYC is required as most of them will turn out to be worthless coin and also do not know how their KYC will turn out to be like will it be misused or so . So better to avoid such things unless people know those who bring such coins .
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March 16, 2019, 11:41:13 AM |
There are a lot of airdrops around, but the question is, are they still worth in 2019?
Plus most of them requires KYC, and I'm sure majority of us doesn't want to give out all our personal data just to join and received some airdrops which are worthless.
So I stop joining airdrops now, it seems that it is not worth our time because of the enforced KYC.
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Furious 7
March 16, 2019, 04:14:25 PM |
I followed with several telegram channels. the airdrop average gives a small payment of around 10 $. Easy rules just follow their channel, register or follow twitter. this is the airdrop channel I know. https://t.me/Airdrop_lnfo
| . .Duelbits. | │ | | │ | ▄▄█▄▄░░▄▄█▄▄░░▄▄█▄▄ ███░░░░███░░░░███ ▀░░░▀░░▀░░░▀░░▀░░░▀ ▄░░░░░░░░░░░░ ▀██████████ ░░░░░███░░░░▀ ░░█░░░███▄█░░░█ ░░██▌░░███░▀░░██▌ ░█░██░░███░░░█░██ ░█▀▀▀█▌░███░░█▀▀▀█▌ ▄█▄░░░██▄███▄█▄░░▄██▄ ▄███▄ ░░░░▀██▄▀ | . REGIONAL SPONSOR | | ███▀██▀███▀█▀▀▀▀██▀▀▀██ ██░▀░██░█░███░▀██░███▄█ █▄███▄██▄████▄████▄▄▄██ ██▀ ▀███▀▀░▀██▀▀▀██████ ███▄███░▄▀██████▀█▀█▀▀█ ████▀▀██▄▀█████▄█▀███▄█ ███▄▄▄████████▄█▄▀█████ ███▀▀▀████████████▄▀███ ███▄░▄█▀▀▀██████▀▀▀▄███ ███████▄██▄▌████▀▀█████ ▀██▄███▀██▄█▄▄▄██▄████▀ ▀▀██████████▄▄███▀▀ ▀▀▀▀█▀▀▀▀ | . EUROPEAN BETTING PARTNER | |
Jr. Member
Activity: 91
Merit: 1
March 28, 2019, 09:40:24 AM |
Are there any good airdrops?
I know there is, Tron Pundi Mithril Subtratum
Tron is my go to Airdrop. I am not familiar with those yet but I am not that confident on maximum incom with Airdrops. Signatures are the still the best.
March 28, 2019, 11:01:00 AM |
I followed with several telegram channels. the airdrop average gives a small payment of around 10 $. Easy rules just follow their channel, register or follow twitter. this is the airdrop channel I know. https://t.me/Airdrop_lnfoyes they are right to give under $ 10 sometimes not even up to $ 1. now i don't play airdrop anymore i think airdrop wasted time

Activity: 189
Merit: 10
March 28, 2019, 11:07:12 AM |
yes they are right to give under $ 10 sometimes not even up to $ 1. now i don't play airdrop anymore i think airdrop wasted time
I think it's a very wasting our time. There are even some who ask to airdrop charging kyc was very unreasonable. We give you our personal documents in person to earn a little money, it's also lost a later token can be sold.
March 28, 2019, 11:32:27 AM |
They seem like good projects and if you want to you can run them especially if you don't mind doing kyc for a very little reward
and if what I see now is airdrop, many have left because the result is not promising anymore and more here too much airdrop becomes garbage does not produce anymore

Activity: 517
Merit: 10
March 28, 2019, 11:36:26 AM |
and if what I see now is airdrop, many have left because the result is not promising anymore and more here too much airdrop becomes garbage does not produce anymore
for people who have long had probably left the airdrop, but for people who know bar crypto probably from there is the best way they know crypto. It all proved to be, now that there are still many that telegram groups and facebook publishes latest airdrop, although not all successful. m
March 28, 2019, 11:51:25 AM |
Are there any good airdrops?
I know there is, Tron Pundi Mithril Subtratum
There were lots of good coin that distributed as airdrop but the quantity is not good enough that is why the image of airdrop is not that good as you can get from joining a bounty program( if the team will pay you).
Activity: 1988
Merit: 1610
March 28, 2019, 12:16:00 PM |
Are there any good airdrops?
I know there is, Tron Pundi Mithril Subtratum
I'm not an airdrops lover, Because an airdrops these days give little profits, I prefer to work at the good bounty, But if you want to work and get some money from an airdrops, I advise you to choose an airdrops well before you work because of the many scam projects at this time, I advise you to use this site "airdropking.io" You will see the ratings next to each airdrop and when you click on any airdrop the site will give you instructions for joining.
March 28, 2019, 02:48:17 PM |
Are there any good airdrops?
I know there is, Tron Pundi Mithril Subtratum
Yes there is but the reward is so small you cant even make 100$ by joining or doing task to recieve the reward, better join in translation and signature bounty price is a little bit higher than airdrops.