Or maybe...0.0
The whole Brexit deal fiasco has not made a dent in the GBP (5% from the start of the year against the euro) and that is their national currency, the currency of a country that relies on trade and international finance and even so is plunging head first into uncharted territory.
Why would this affect
BTC in price or adoption?
People losing jobs and customers won't jump the
BTC bandwagon.
one thing is sure, bitcoin wont help UK citizens fix their broken economy as it didnt helped Venezuelan citizens fix their broken economy.
Well, once in a while everyone is finding himself in strange situations, so ..this is one when I agree with you.
A currency can't fix an economy, be it UK, Venezuela, Turkey, Russia or Japan.
Countries have collapsed during the gold standard, people went bankrupt during those times, economies will collapse even in a
BTC only world, people will lose their wealth and jobs. There is no miracle cure that fixes everything.