Have been running my midterm predicting market modeling oscillators for about 3 hours now (i do some stuff in Python and R)
and it clearly shows a major correction downward is on its way
Anyone else doing some stat calc here?
Is it really possible to make some algorithm to analyze the current cryptocurrency market, because everything in cryptocurrency is really is fluctuate, just like there is no one able to check on the cryptocurrency.
There is no algorithm that will accurately analyze the crypto currency market except time. As we get people on daily bases that are using each of the cryptocurrency for one thing or the other, we will always experience the fluctuations.
There are other sides to the crypto currency which is not limited to investment alone but usage for making payments and as medium of settling financial challenges, it’s the usage that we need to put pressure on so it can then generate profit the other way round. As long as we have human factors operating in the system, no algorithm will accurately predict the market.